TTWG minutes 06/12/09

Timed-text working group minutes 06/12/2009

Sean Hayes (SH, co-chair)
Geoff Freed (GF, scribe)
Philippe le Hegaret (PH)
Franz de Jong (FJ)

Regrets or absent:
John Birch (JB)
David Kirby (DK, co-chair)
Glenn Adams (GA)
Andrew Kirkpatrick (AK)

Minutes from call:

SH:  Not a big agenda today unless we have important comments on our LC draft.

PH:  Discovered that thePlatform is planning to implement 95% of DFXP.  Asked if they would participate in our implementation report.

GF:  Will also follow up with them; I have some contacts there as well.

PH:  Learned about their support via Twitter.  Any plans to make changes to the test suite?

SH:  Will do soon; perhaps a week or so.

PH:  Still waiting on AK's implementation of dynamicFlow.  In the meantime, will also dealing with call for exclusions to move us to proposed rec in August.  

SH:  How long do we have to wait in LC, and is there a tracking mechanism for comments?

PH:  End date is June 30.  Comments should be sent to the public list.

SH:  And we create an issue, or that is automatic?

PH:  I can do that.  We may not receive a lot of comments.  Maybe EBU will make some noise about it?

FJ:  Will do, but people may not respond much.

PH:  Is important to let people know so they can react if they want.

SH:  Will do the same for SMPTE.

PH:  After LC, it's up to us to finish implementations, finish test suite, then move to PR as soon as call for exclusions are done.

I'll be on vacation in July but will still be reachable on e-mail.  

SH:  I'll be away the second week of July and a week in August.

PH:  SH, other changes to your implementation?

SH:  Pretty much done.  Have a basic implementation of everything; have some separate code dealing with dF.  May try to join the two.  Will verify that I'm passing all the tests.  Must also re-do the spreadsheet now that we have a new test suite.  Everyone should run their implementations again to see if there are gaps.

PH:  Will re-run against my own implementation as well as CC for Flash.

SH:  That's it for this week.

Received on Friday, 12 June 2009 16:55:27 UTC