Re: TTWG minutes 06/12/09

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Philippe Le Hegaret<> wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-06-12 at 12:54 -0400, Geoff Freed wrote:
>> Timed-text working group minutes 06/12/2009
>> Present:
>> Sean Hayes (SH, co-chair)
>> Geoff Freed (GF, scribe)
>> Philippe le Hegaret (PH)
>> Franz de Jong (FJ)
>> Regrets or absent:
>> John Birch (JB)
>> David Kirby (DK, co-chair)
>> Glenn Adams (GA)
>> Andrew Kirkpatrick (AK)
>> Minutes from call:
>> SH:  Not a big agenda today unless we have important comments on our LC draft.
>> PH:  Discovered that thePlatform is planning to implement 95% of DFXP.  Asked if they would participate in our implementation report.
> s/is planning to implement/implemented/

Wow! Using a flash player?


Received on Sunday, 14 June 2009 09:03:40 UTC