from June 2010 by subject

"Metadata about metadata" paper published in Future Internet

4store anybody ?

AMIA 2011 Summit on Translational Bioinformatics -- call for proposals

BioPortal 2.5 Released

BioRDF on Thu - extra telcon minutes

BioRDF Telcon

Call for abstracts for Biocuration2010 (October 11-14,2010 in Tokyo)

Call For Papers - TAAI 2010, November 18-20 (Taiwan)

Call for Papers JITR

CFP - IDAMAP 2010 - colocated with AMIA 2010

CFP: 6th Int. WS on Scalable SW Knowledge Bases (SSWS 2010)

file types now uploadable to wiki

First CFP: 2nd Int. Workshop on Role of Semantic Web in Provenance (SWPM 2010) at ISWC2010

FLoC 2010: Final Call for Participation

Fwd: [Obo-relations] OBML: Call for papers

Fwd: Zakim Europe numbers malfunctioning

HCLS telcon minutes

HCLS Terminology call this coming MONDAY June 28, 12:00 noon U.S. Eastern time

HCLS Terminology conference call is scheduled for MONDAY, June 21, 2010

HCLS Terminology conference call is scheduled for MONDAY, May 3, 2010

HCLS-SiG: Meeting Rhetorical Document Structure Group June 21, 2010, 10 am EST, 3 PM GMT, 4 CET

HCLS-SiG: Meeting Rhetorical Document Structure Group June 7, 2010, 10 am EST, 3 PM GMT, 4 CET

IEEE CloudCom Call For Papers (Nov 30 ~ Dec 3, 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)

IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security (WPS\'10, Miami, USA, 6-10 December 2010)

ISWC Workshop, SERES CfP

JBMS Special Issue on papers from Bio-Ontologies 2009 is out!

LODD minutes

LODD Telcon

Minutes for Terminology call

Minutes from LODD Telcon

Minutes from TMO Telcon

Minutes of BioRDF call June 21

Mistake in NCBO ontologies

More good news: list of file types now uploadable to wiki

NCBO Webinar - Phil Bourne, June 16

No Scientific Discourse call today

OBML: Call for papers

OTM 2010 Workshops - CFP - DEADLINE EXTENDED July 6

Program for the RDF symposium at the American Chemical Society fall meeting

Reminder: HCLS Scientific Discourse Task concall Monday June 14 10am EDT / 3pm BST

Reminder: Monthly HCLS task force telcon on Thu

Reminder: Monthly HCLS telcon on Thu

Talk about SW for HCLS at SemTech'10

TMO Call Minutes

TMO Telcon

TMO Telcon Minutes

UIC 2010 Workshops - CFP (Xi\'an, China, 26-29 October)

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 2010 01:36:56 UTC