LODD minutes

The minutes from this morning's LODD teleconference are here:

Thanks to Egon Willighagen for scribing!

A few things worth noting: Provenance as a best practice for LODD?
Certain types of information about the origins of the RDF and the
information that it represents would be generally useful to those who
would use it. It would also be helpful if such provenance were
machine-readable. For example, a "SRC" is given for
http://link.informatics.stonybrook.edu/rxnorm/RXAUI/687117 as "J Pharm
Biomed Anal 1995 Feb;13(2):155-8". http://sharednames.org is planning
to create PURLS for PubMed that could be useful here. Other types of
provenance could include: license, linked data author, linked data
software, linked data creation date, src version, etc. Ideally, we
could refer to most provenance information with a URI from a Shared
Identifier system.


Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2010 17:01:50 UTC