Program for the RDF symposium at the American Chemical Society fall meeting

Dear all,

it is my great pleasure to present the full symposium program for the
RDF session at the American Chemical Society at the Boston meeting in

I am excited that on Monday afternoon Eric Prud'hommeaux will present
the work of the LODD working group to the chemistry community. The
symposium contains three half day sessions with topics on computing,
ontologies, and applications, all chemistry oriented. The goal of the
meeting is to get together people using RDF technologies in chemistry,
and the list of talks from around the world shows that this goal has
been reached. The program is diverse and exciting, and I am very much
looking forward to meeting all participants to discuss challenges and
cool solutions.

People interested in joining, can sign up to the meeting mailing list,
linked to on the homepage. Besides that the webpage is in XHTML+RDFa,
the source is also available on GitHub (well, you really download the
source code anyway), allowing people to happily fork, make changes,
and perhaps make the page as triple-dense as is possible.

Hoping to have informed you well,

with kind regards from Uppsala,

Egon Willighagen

Post-doc @ Uppsala University
Proteochemometrics / Bioclipse Group of Prof. Jarl Wikberg

Received on Saturday, 26 June 2010 18:57:17 UTC