[ANN] LENA: Lens-based RDF Browser
[BIONT-DSE] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon October 2, Tuesday 11:00am - 12:00pm US EDT
[BIONT-DSE][COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon October 16th Meeting minutes
[BIONT-DSE][COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon October 16th, Tuesday 11:00am - 12:00pm US EDT
[BIONT-DSE][COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon October 23rd, Tuesday 11:00am - 12:00pm US EDT
[BIONT-DSE][COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon October 30th, Tuesday 11:00am - 12:00pm US EDT
[BIONT-DSE][COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon October 9th, Tuesday 11:00am - 12:00pm US EDT
[BIONT-DSE][COI] Minutes for 9 October 2007 Telcon
[biordf] Progress with PDSP Ki database
[COI] Following up on your comment re "underlying model" in your reviewing the functional requirements spreadsheet
[COI] seen on another list: GLIF
[COI][BIONT] Telcon Minutes October 2, 2007
[HCLS] Demo KB Data Flow Diagram for PubMeSH Graph
[HCLS] Step-By-Step Explanation of Banff 2007 Demo SPARQL
[HCLSIG] Correct URL for Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2007 Poster PDF
[HCLSIG] New draft of Neurosciences 2007 Poster
[HCLSIG] Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2007 Poster PDF
AW: BioRDF Telcon
BioRDF Telcon
- Susie M Stephens (Saturday, 27 October)
- Booth, David (HP Software - Boston) (Monday, 22 October)
- Susie M Stephens (Monday, 22 October)
- Eric Neumann (Monday, 22 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Monday, 22 October)
- Susie M Stephens (Friday, 19 October)
- Susie M Stephens (Thursday, 11 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Monday, 8 October)
- Booth, David (HP Software - Boston) (Monday, 8 October)
- Alan Ruttenberg (Monday, 8 October)
- Susie M Stephens (Monday, 8 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Monday, 8 October)
- Eric Jain (Monday, 8 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Monday, 8 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Friday, 5 October)
- Susie Stephens (Friday, 5 October)
- Susie Stephens (Thursday, 4 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Thursday, 4 October)
- Susie M Stephens (Thursday, 4 October)
BioRDF Telcon: Apologies
Boston area: Friday theory lunch: Towards knowledge-based semantic integration of models
Chemical & Engineering News article on Semantic Web
Clinical Research Protocols: Fucntional Requirements
Clinical Trial Eligibility draft ontology - a start
COI Functional Requirements - ways to implement them
EOL Job Openings
For those interested in user interface in the semweb space
Fwd: [ANN] LENA: Lens-based RDF Browser
Fwd: SWAP 2007 CfP, please circulate, submissions encouragement
Global Cancer Epidemiology Data
HCLS BOF at ISWC2007 (~ 13 Nov)
HCLS Demo now hosted at DERI, Galway
HCLS knowledgebase extension: PDSP Ki database uploaded to DERI triplestore
HCLSIG TC cancelled for 10-11-07
HCLSIG TC Oct 18th
Latest version of Functional Requirements document
Meeting Record: BioRDF 29 Oct 2007
Minutes from HCLS TC Oct 18
minutes of the 2007-10-15 BioRDF telecon available
Nov 1 HCLS TC Agenda
Preliminary Comments on ADNI - LONI
Presentation of HCLS Use Cases/Examples to Uncertainty Reasoning Working Group on Wedneday, October 17th
Reminder: TPAC2007 registration closes 19 October 2007 - Register Now
resend -- minutes of the 2007-10-15 BioRDF telecon available
RFC 2616 vs. AWWW
- Eric Jain (Sunday, 14 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Saturday, 13 October)
- Pat Hayes (Friday, 12 October)
- Pat Hayes (Friday, 12 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Friday, 12 October)
- Xiaoshu Wang (Friday, 12 October)
- Alan Ruttenberg (Friday, 12 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Friday, 12 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Friday, 12 October)
- Pat Hayes (Thursday, 11 October)
- Pat Hayes (Thursday, 11 October)
- Eric Jain (Thursday, 11 October)
- Jonathan Rees (Thursday, 11 October)
Sample protocols and possible strategy
Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences BOF at ISWC
Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER)
- Daniel Rubin (Friday, 5 October)
- Matt Williams (Thursday, 4 October)
- Susie Stephens (Thursday, 4 October)
- Daniel Rubin (Thursday, 4 October)
- Kashyap, Vipul (Thursday, 4 October)
- Susie Stephens (Thursday, 4 October)
- Eric Neumann (Thursday, 4 October)
- Matt Williams (Wednesday, 3 October)
- Alan Ruttenberg (Wednesday, 3 October)
SWAP 2007 CfP, please circulate, submissions encouragement
UniProt: 1 Billion Triples
Using Pronto: Breast Cancer Risk Models
Using SEER Data
W3C: Final Reminder: TPAC2007 Hotel discount expires tomorrow: 3 Oct. 2007
what would change for me?
what would change for me? -> revised meta-requirements
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2007 22:38:41 UTC