[Minutes] 2021-05-27 SDWIG
[sdw] Add units for decade, century, millenium (#1262)
[sdw] Additional time units (#1261)
[sdw] Analysis gaps (#1259)
[sdw] Analysis of Gaps in current practice (#1259)
[sdw] Change prefLabel of sosa:Sensor to 'Observer' (#1177)
[sdw] Clarify the intended directionality of time:before and time:after (#1241)
[sdw] Dead link: Section 6.3.1 "official OWL implementation of ISO 19156 (O&M)..." (#1260)
[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Add units for decade, century, millenium
[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Improved documentation in RDF implementation of OWL-Time - Issue#1241
[sdw] Merged Pull Request: OGC TC Chair proposed charter edits
[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Update index.html
[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Update SDWBP based on new version of DCAT
[sdw] Minor error in SOSA example (#1258)
[sdw] new commits pushed by 6a6d74
[sdw] new commits pushed by chris-little
[sdw] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair
[sdw] new commits pushed by jabhay
[sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
[sdw] new commits pushed by wseltzer
[sdw] On the definition and naming of temporal entities and their usage in the examples (#1263)
[sdw] Publish time-aggregates as W3C Public Working Draft (#1173)
[sdw] Publish time-entity-relations as W3C Public Working Draft (#1178)
[sdw] Pull Request: Add Decade/Century/Millenium units into spec document
[sdw] Pull Request: Add units for decade, century, millenium
[sdw] Pull Request: Update index.html
[sdw] Replace published OWL-Time with version that includes IANA section (#1165)
[sdw] sosa or sosa-ext for SOSA/SSN Extensions? (#1245)
[sdw] SSN-Ext: ObservationCollection-Collections? (#1255)
[sdw] SSN-Ext: relationship between results and values of observedProperties (#1256)
[sdw] Update index.html (#1257)
Closed: [sdw] Additional time units (#1261)
Closed: [sdw] Publish time-aggregates as W3C Public Working Draft (#1173)
Closed: [sdw] Publish time-entity-relations as W3C Public Working Draft (#1178)
Last SDWBP Discussion
Maps for HTML winter 2021 report
No SDW-IG meeting tomorrow (29 Apr) - reschedule for next week?
Resolution to publish Responsible Use Note
SDW-IG call (27 May) - Next steps.
SDWBP Catch-up
SDWIG plenary meeting 27th May
Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group Charter extended until 30 June 2021
SWDBP Fortnightly Catchup
Upcoming webinar in the GeoEthics Series
WebVMT Status Update
Last message date: Monday, 31 May 2021 11:54:59 UTC