Coralie Mercier
Francois Daoust
- Heads-up: work in progress on a W3C Immersive Web Working Group Charter
- Next F2F meeting at W3C TPAC - 22-23 October 2018
- [Minutes] SDW IG F2F meeting - 2018-06-05 / 2018-06-06
François Daoust via GitHub
- [sdw] new commits pushed by tidoust
- [sdw] new commits pushed by tidoust
- Re: [sdw] May I have access to the MapML project so that I can add tasks and descriptions and links etc.
- [sdw] new commits pushed by tidoust
- Re: [sdw] List & group features
George Percivall
jabhay via GitHub
- [sdw] Add negotiation by profile
- [sdw] Pull Request: Added References section for creating easy to find links
Jeremy Tandy
Jeremy Tandy via GitHub
- [sdw] new commits pushed by 6a6d74
- [sdw] Merged Pull Request: Added References section for creating easy to find links
- [sdw] new commits pushed by 6a6d74
- [sdw] new commits pushed by 6a6d74
- [sdw] new commits pushed by 6a6d74
Josh Lieberman via GitHub
Linda van den Brink
Linda van den Brink via GitHub
- Re: [sdw] List & group features
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- Re: [sdw] List & group features
- [sdw] Pull Request: Update
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
Maxime Lefrançois
Michael Gordon via GitHub
- [sdw] Create implementation template for Best Practices
- [sdw] Create initial playbook for Best Practices
- [sdw] Merged Pull Request: Update
Peter Rushforth via GitHub
- [sdw] Present the Maps for HTML / MapML concept to browser developers for discussion and co-development / eventual co-standardization
- Closed: [sdw] May I have access to the MapML project so that I can add tasks and descriptions and links etc.
- Re: [sdw] May I have access to the MapML project so that I can add tasks and descriptions and links etc.
- Re: [sdw] May I have access to the MapML project so that I can add tasks and descriptions and links etc.
- [sdw] May I have access to the MapML project so that I can add tasks and descriptions and links etc.
Rob Atkinson via GitHub
Rob Smith
- FAO Krzysztof Janowicz: Moving Objects And WebVMT?
- Re: WebVMT Presentation: OGC18, Fort Collins
- WebVMT Presentation: OGC18, Fort Collins
Rob Smith via GitHub
- Re: [sdw] WebVMT: Missing video file reference
- [sdw] WebVMT: Revised Zoom Syntax
- [sdw] Representation At OGC Disasters CDS?
- Re: [sdw] State of the Art assertion is incomplete
- Closed: [sdw] State of the Art assertion is incomplete
- [sdw] new commits pushed by rjksmith
- [sdw] Merged Pull Request: WebVMT Spec Update
- [sdw] Pull Request: WebVMT Spec Update