from August 2018 by subject

[sdw] Categorize roadmap features

[sdw] Closed Pull Request: Fixed errors in skos:definition and rdfs:comment as of Tim's email

[sdw] Create a list of OGC standards that are "not yet Web-friendly enough" plus rationale for each

[sdw] CRS negotiation in MapML

[sdw] Describe roadmap features

[sdw] Discussion item: disjoint theoretical model / encodings cityGML

[sdw] Group review of roadmap

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Added Police Evidence Use Case To WebVMT Spec

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Added TIMELINE To WebVMT Spec

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: fixed rdfs:comment / skos:definition according to Tim's proposal

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: include "how to test" sections in the implementation report

[sdw] new commits pushed by 6a6d74

[sdw] new commits pushed by BillSwirrl

[sdw] new commits pushed by cportele

[sdw] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair

[sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink

[sdw] new commits pushed by rjksmith

[sdw] new commits pushed by tidoust

[sdw] New Project proposal: 360 Day Calendar

[sdw] New Project proposal: Dicing or partitioning Ontology for RDF Data Cubes

[sdw] Pull Request: Added Police Evidence Use Case To WebVMT Spec

[sdw] Pull Request: Added TIMELINE To WebVMT Spec

[sdw] Pull Request: Fixed errors in skos:definition and rdfs:comment as of Tim's email

[sdw] Pull Request: fixed rdfs:comment / skos:definition according to Tim's proposal

[sdw] Pull Request: include "how to test" sections in the implementation report

[sdw] Replace hand-drawn icons with colourful ones

[sdw] Representation At OGC Disasters CDS?

[sdw] Setup roadmap framework

[sdw] SOSA and SSN skos:definition and rdfs:comment do not match in 3 cases

[sdw] WebVMT: Draft Syntax Reference

[sdw] WebVMT: Identify Ideas For OGC Test Bed Involvement

[sdw] WebVMT: Missing video file reference

[sdw] WebVMT: Suggested Topics For TPAC Breakout Session

Closed: [sdw] Categorize roadmap features

Closed: [sdw] Describe roadmap features

Closed: [sdw] List & group features

Closed: [sdw] Setup roadmap framework

Closed: [sdw] SOSA and SSN skos:definition and rdfs:comment do not match in 3 cases

Closed: [sdw] WebVMT: Missing video file reference

OGC Tech-Trends teleconf (14-August): regrets

Organising breakout sessions for TPAC

Reminder: Next week focus week September

Retrospective review: August focus days

SDW IG focus days in August

Telcon on Tech Trends coordination (SDWIG ACTION-391)

Last message date: Friday, 31 August 2018 07:25:19 UTC