Hi SDWIG-ers,
Next week it is that time of the month again: focus week for the SDWIG. Jeremy won't be available, so it's just me cheering you on this time.
The things you can focus on can be found on our Projects page [1]. @Bill, @Michael, @Rob, @Peter, @Armin, please let the group know what we can do to bring your work further along!
One item I'd like to draw your attention to is the question whether we, as a group, should communicate to the CityGML working group, over at OGC, how important we consider implementation evidence before standardizing a theoretical model (see issue #1069 [2]). This relates to CityJSON, which could be one of these implementations. We should resolve this question during this week in order to bring our opinion forward, *if we decide we want to*, at the OGC meeting.
[1]: https://github.com/w3c/sdw/projects
[2]: https://github.com/w3c/sdw/issues/1069