An Architecture of a Distributed Semantic Social Network
- Melvin Carvalho (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Sebastian Tramp (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Olivier Berger (Wednesday, 4 April)
- elf Pavlik (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Melvin Carvalho (Monday, 2 April)
- Melvin Carvalho (Monday, 2 April)
- Michael Haschke (Monday, 2 April)
- Sebastian Tramp (Monday, 2 April)
- Sebastian Tramp (Monday, 2 April)
- Melvin Carvalho (Monday, 2 April)
Delegated WebID vs OAuth - Was: Re: An Architecture of a Distributed Semantic Social Network
directory listing ontology
Erfurt, Zend, PHP, etc. - Was: Re: An Architecture of a Distributed Semantic Social Network
for info : s4ac
Fwd: W3C launches Web Cryptography Working Group
Interesting GoogleTalk about Named Content Networks
Linked Data Basic Profile - Was: Re: POSTing to a collection and GETing its index
Linked Data Basic Profile 1.0
Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Charter
Moving part of the 'remoteStorage' spec from unhosted cg to rww cg
Notes from WWW 2012
Philosophy of the Social Web talk given at the Institut Télécom in Paris
POSTing to a collection and GETing its index
PUT and directory creation
PUT and extensions
Read Write Web -- Monthly Open Thread -- (April 2012) [via Read Write Web Community Group]
Read Write Web -- Monthly Open Thread -- (March 2012) [via Read Write Web Community Group]
webid teleconf - (rww welcome too) - preparing for www2012
Last message date: Monday, 30 April 2012 13:03:32 UTC