from June 2013 by subject

[Bug 10695] XQST0054 vs XQST0093

[Bug 10697] PathExpr-10 contains an unintended error

[Bug 11434] comp-elem-bad-name-1 should also accept XQDY0074

[Bug 11584] Test K2-ExternalVariablesWith-22 needs "strip" construction mode

[Bug 11702] [XQTS] "1.1" should be changed to "3.0"

[Bug 11866] K2-DirectConElem-53 is not a parse error for XQuery 3.0

[Bug 12060] K2-SeqExprCastable-3

[Bug 12637] Use of partial-apply() and some smaller bugs in HOF cases

[Bug 12661] fold-right() results seem to be wrong

[Bug 13133] Tests that do not specify results for XQuery 3.0

[Bug 13147] XQuerX tests ST-Axes011 are wrong

[Bug 13216] Expect result of the test Basics/EQNames/eqname-013.xq is incorrect

[Bug 13493] Initial clause in a FLWOR expression

[Bug 13869] XML10-4ed-Excluded-char-{1,2} incorrect

[Bug 13966] incorrect expectation of XQST0022

[Bug 14894] eqname tests

[Bug 16149] [XP30] Context-dependent constructor functions

[Bug 18877] [XQ30] try/catch

[Bug 19357] [FO30] schema defined in fn:analyze-string

[Bug 19579] cbcl-subsequence-008, 010

[Bug 19597] [QT3TS] prohibit-all-optional-features-2

[Bug 19670] [XQ3.0] What does it mean to prohibit "all extensions"?

[Bug 20855] Type constructor signatures shown with the fn: prefix

[Bug 20862] xs:error and subtype relationship

[Bug 21221] [XQ30] Try/catch and inline functions

[Bug 21222] Tests that depend on a fixed timezone (UTC)

[Bug 21238] Tests involving schema imports: add XQST0009

[Bug 21425] possible regex error in test cases from ""

[Bug 21461] Flash crash ssl

[Bug 21568] Incorrect expected result for FOTS tests function-decl-reserved-function-names-001,function-decl-reserved-function-names-003,...

[Bug 21671] [FO30] analyze-string examples

[Bug 21717] Not used: XQST0124

[Bug 21868] "serialization-matches" test cases not accounting for the latest XQuery spec.

[Bug 21931] app/Demos/currencysvg-result.xml should not have an XML declaration.

[Bug 21960] FOTS test case K2-ExternalVariablesWith-22 should raise XPTY0004

[Bug 22032] [XQ30] Consistency between the node-name and namespaces of a constructed element

[Bug 22122] [F+O] Serialization parameters in fn:serialize()

[Bug 22258] New: Provide function for easy matching of HTML and DITA class attributes

[Bug 22277] fn/format-number.xml not valid according to catalog-schema.xsd

[Bug 22277] New: fn/format-number.xml not valid according to catalog-schema.xsd

[Bug 22278] New: prod/SchemaImport.xml contains a schema with a wrong namespace

[Bug 22278] prod/SchemaImport.xml contains a schema with a wrong namespace

[Bug 22279] error in 'Catalog010' and 'Catalog011' test-cases in 'app-CatalogCheck' test-set

[Bug 22279] New: error in 'Catalog010' and 'Catalog011' test-cases in 'app-CatalogCheck' test-set

[Bug 22280] errors in test-case 'Catalog013' from 'app-CatalogCheck' test-set

[Bug 22280] New: errors in test-case 'Catalog013' from 'app-CatalogCheck' test-set

[Bug 22281] errors in test-case "Catalog014" from "app-CatalogCheck"

[Bug 22281] New: errors in test-case "Catalog014" from "app-CatalogCheck"

[Bug 22282] New: wrong expected result or picture string for 'format-dateTime-006'

[Bug 22282] wrong expected result or picture string for 'format-dateTime-006'

[Bug 22284] New: test-cases not considering that "FULLY-NORMALIZED" is not mandatory.

[Bug 22284] test-cases not considering that "FULLY-NORMALIZED" is not mandatory.

[Bug 22294] New: SchemaImport/emptyUnion11.xsd is not valid

[Bug 22294] SchemaImport/emptyUnion11.xsd is not valid

[Bug 22298] New: Function fn:outermost should be allowed to work with free ranging expressions

[Bug 22299] link within document is wrong

[Bug 22299] New: link within document is wrong

[Bug 22302] New: The equivalent code for fn:for-each() is incorrect.

[Bug 22302] The equivalent code for fn:for-each() is incorrect.

[Bug 22317] modules-19 through modules-24 might raise an unexpected type error

[Bug 22317] New: modules-19 through modules-24 might raise an unexpected type error

[Bug 22324] New: prod/OrderByClause.xml not valid according to catalog-schema.xsd

[Bug 22324] prod/OrderByClause.xml not valid according to catalog-schema.xsd

[Bug 22327] expected result for 'Catalog011' in 'app-CatalogCheck' is wrong

[Bug 22327] New: expected result for 'Catalog011' in 'app-CatalogCheck' is wrong

[Bug 22333] New: Tests that do not specify results for XQuery 3.0

[Bug 22333] Tests that do not specify results for XQuery 3.0

[Bug 22334] Expected results have an erroneous namespace declaration

[Bug 22334] New: Expected results have an erroneous namespace declaration

[Bug 22335] incorrect expectation of XQST0022

[Bug 22335] New: incorrect expectation of XQST0022

[Bug 22341] comp-elem-bad-name-1 should also accept XQDY0074

[Bug 22341] New: comp-elem-bad-name-1 should also accept XQDY0074

[Bug 22348] [XQ3TS] require-typed-data-1-s and others

[Bug 22349] [XQ3TS] produces-typed-data.xquery

[Bug 22349] New: [XQ3TS] produces-typed-data.xquery

[Bug 22350] New: Serialization-html-23

[Bug 22350] Serialization-html-23

[Bug 22352] CompElemConstructor.xml broken in rev 1.4

[Bug 22352] New: CompElemConstructor.xml broken in rev 1.4

[Bug 22353] [XQ3TS] prohibit-typed-data-2-ns

[Bug 22353] New: [XQ3TS] prohibit-typed-data-2-ns

[Bug 22363] [XT3TS] function-available-1016

[Bug 22363] New: [XT3TS] function-available-1016

[Bug 22364] [XT3TS] analyze-string-092a

[Bug 22364] New: [XT3TS] analyze-string-092a

[Bug 22379] New: on-no-match="shallow-copy" for items other than nodes

[Bug 22383] New: [XSLT 3.0] Namespace for map functions

[Bug 22395] [FO30] format-date/time

[Bug 22395] New: [FO30] format-date/time

[Bug 22416] [QT3TS] LocalNameFromQNameFunc021a, NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc021a

[Bug 22416] New: [QT3TS] LocalNameFromQNameFunc021a, NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc021a

[Bug 22418] [QT3TS] format-date-en153, 154

[Bug 22418] New: [QT3TS] format-date-en153, 154

[Bug 22423] New: total count of 'fail' test-cases incorrect in the XSL stylesheet

[Bug 22434] [FO30] Whitespace in variable markers

[Bug 22434] New: [FO30] Whitespace in variable markers

[Bug 22456] New: [XP 3.0] Non-polymorphic operators

[Bug 22476] New: XPTY0004_45: Alternative error Code

[Bug 22491] New: [XT3TS] format-date-006

[Bug 4551] K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-13

[Bug 6273] [XQuery11] namespace-node()

[Bug 6275] [XQuery 1.1] Computed Namespace Constructors

[Bug 6289] [XQuery 1.1] decimal-format - duplicate properties

[Bug 6291] [XQuery 1.1] Error code 0096 is overloaded

[Bug 6295] [XQuery 1.1] "count" as first clause in FLWOR

[Bug 7350] [XPath 2.1] Higher Order Functions Need Sugar

[Bug 8500] Priority of validation errors

[SER30] Alternative syntax for output:serialization-parameters

format-dateTime(), calendar, and err:FOFD1340

Last message date: Thursday, 27 June 2013 15:15:46 UTC