from July 2008 by thread

Use case templates (cont'd) Rinke Hoekstra (Wednesday, 16 July)

Draft Minutes Ready for Review (Call on July 9, 2008) Novak, Kevin (Thursday, 10 July)

Use case templates Rinke Hoekstra (Thursday, 10 July)

IRC problems Jose M. Alonso (Thursday, 10 July)

(Agenda) egov IG (Wednesday 9am to 1030am EST) Novak, Kevin (Tuesday, 8 July)

Malcolm Crompton - an introduction to the public-eGov forum Malcolm Crompton (Saturday, 5 July)

RE: structuring the wiki [was: Re: XBC use cases] Oscar AzaƱon Esteire (Friday, 4 July)

[minutes] eGov IG - Chairs + TF Coordinators - 3 July 2008 Jose M. Alonso (Friday, 4 July)

Last message date: Wednesday, 16 July 2008 14:55:29 UTC