Re: (Agenda) egov IG (Wednesday 9am to 1030am EST)

Dear collegues,

I tried to get connected but failed. Hopefully I'll be able to get 
through next time.

Kind regards,


Prof. dr. Tom M. van Engers
Professor in Legal Knowledge Management
University of Amsterdam/Faculty of Law
Leibniz Center for Law
Oude Manhuispoort 4
Postbus 1030
1000BA Amsterdam
+31 20 525 3494
+31 20 525 3495

Novak, Kevin schreef:
> All,
> eGov IG Members:
> Sorry to be a few hours late with getting this to you (today is a travel day for me and have been in the air).
> Agenda for Tomorrow's call is as follows:
> Practicalitie:
>       * meetings/telecon
>                   (see: <> )
>             * IRC 
>                   > <> 
>>>> 1. Welcome/Scribe selection [2min]
>>>> 2. Review of Agenda/open and due action items [2min]
>>>> 4. Introductions New Members/roll call [5-10min]
>>>> 5. Overview of Draft Activity Plan (Kevin) (5min)
>>>> 6. Focused Discussion on Sub Group Work (45min):
> *Chris Testa, Chair Usage of Web Standards (15min)
> *Ari Schwartz, Chair, Transparency and Participation (15min)
> *Oscar Azaņon Esteire, Chair Seamless Integration of Data (15min)
>>>> 7. Wiki Resource (5-10min):
>             *Call for content submissions
>             *Suggestions for WIKI organization
>             *Use Case Template(s)
>>>> 8. Open Discussion (New Items/questions/clarifications/review of action items) (10min)
>>>> 9. Next Meeting (Proposed August 9, 2008)
> Looking forward to the call tomorrow,
> Cheers,
> Kevin

Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2008 07:19:50 UTC