Re: IRC problems

El 10/07/2008, a las 9:30, Robin Berjon escribió:
> Hi Benjamin,
> On Jul 10, 2008, at 13:28 , Benjamin Nguyen wrote:
>> I am behind a firewall, and I usually connect to IRC using the web  
>> interface, however on my computer for some undetermined reason (I'm  
>> using Windows XP) I have tremendous lag receiving information from  
>> IRC. Surprisingly, the information I type seems to go out "in real  
>> time" but I get feedback only minutes later. On of my collegues  
>> also connecter to the IRC web interface but using linux has no  
>> lag... so I'd say even the web IRC can be dodgy, in my case it is.
> This is unlikely to be due to your OS, it can be caused by any  
> number of factors.
> However what José was suggesting wasn't to use the web interface,  
> but rather to connect to IRC using port 80 (which firewalls  
> routinely keep open) and a regular IRC client.

Thanks, Robin, for the clarification!


> -- 
> Robin Berjon -

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2008 14:57:49 UTC