[Caution: Message contains Redirect URL content] Re: Poll for new time for the CNEG meeting
[DCAT] - proposed agenda 2018-07-19
[DCAT] group meeting 2018-06-28
[DCAT] meeting 2018-07-05 - proposed agenda
[DCAT] Proposed agenda for 2018-07-12 meeting
[dxwg] A profile must be packaged as a self-contained artefact
[dxwg] Add dct:conformsTo to dcat:Distribution
[dxwg] Add void:rootResource as property of dcat:Resource ?
[dxwg] Adjust global range of dcat:mediaType to dct:MediaType
[dxwg] Allow license property to link to other than LicenseDocument
[dxwg] Anonymous Profiles
[dxwg] Are inference rules constraints that must be followed by profiles?
[dxwg] Best practice for a loosely-structured catalog
- Andrea Perego via GitHub (Monday, 23 July)
- Simon Cox via GitHub (Tuesday, 17 July)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Monday, 16 July)
- Jakub KlÃmek via GitHub (Monday, 16 July)
- Simon Cox via GitHub (Monday, 16 July)
- Jakub KlÃmek via GitHub (Friday, 13 July)
- Simon Cox via GitHub (Friday, 13 July)
- Simon Cox via GitHub (Friday, 13 July)
- Jakub KlÃmek via GitHub (Thursday, 12 July)
- Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran via GitHub (Thursday, 12 July)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Monday, 9 July)
- Simon Cox via GitHub (Monday, 9 July)
- Simon Cox via GitHub (Monday, 9 July)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Sunday, 8 July)
- Simon Cox via GitHub (Sunday, 8 July)
- Simon Cox via GitHub (Saturday, 7 July)
[dxwg] Catalogues in which dataset is a bag of files
[dxwg] Catalogues in which dataset is an undifferentiated set of files
[dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services?
[dxwg] Data quality model [RDQM]
[dxwg] Dataset relations
[dxwg] Dataset type [RDST]
[dxwg] DCAT - CSMD/ICAT alignment (profile)
[dxwg] Dcat bugs in mediaType examples
[dxwg] dcat:byteSize - check constraints
[dxwg] dcat:mediaType - check constraints
[dxwg] Define and apply rules for definitions in DCAT
[dxwg] Distribution definition [RDIDF]
[dxwg] Distribution schema [RDIS]
[dxwg] Distribution service [RDISV]
[dxwg] Error in example of dcat:mediaType
[dxwg] further PROV alignment, including for mooted WebService class
[dxwg] new commits pushed by agbeltran
[dxwg] new commits pushed by davebrowning
[dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair
[dxwg] new commits pushed by jpullmann
[dxwg] new commits pushed by pwin
[dxwg] Note on reduced scope of dcat:Distribution
[dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document
[dxwg] Project context [RPCX]
[dxwg] Proposal for relaxing range of dcat:contactPoint
[dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF]
[dxwg] Provide guidance discouraging usage of blank nodes
[dxwg] Provide guidance in DCAT2 on how to extend Distribution
[dxwg] Pull Request: Add dct:conformsTo to dcat:Distribution
[dxwg] Pull Request: Additional examples of use of dct:type,
[dxwg] Pull Request: Adjust global range of dcat:mediaType to dct:MediaType
[dxwg] Pull Request: Dataset relations simon
[dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat issue #58 riccardo
[dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat issue170 simon
[dxwg] Pull Request: Fix cut-and-paste bug - endpointDescription
[dxwg] Pull Request: fix mediaType examples
[dxwg] Pull Request: Minor formatting correction
[dxwg] Pull Request: Note on reduced scope of dcat:Distribution
[dxwg] Pull Request: Remove resolved issues from editors draft
[dxwg] Pull Request: SHOULD/MUST/MAY/NOT
[dxwg] Pull Request: Updated URLs of referenced specifications
[dxwg] Remove minor nits left behind in copy-and-paste
[dxwg] Remove resolved issues from editors draft
[dxwg] Requirement: Profiles can have what is needed to drive forms for data input or for user display. [ID46] (5.46)
[dxwg] Use case: web browser navigation of profile information
- kcoyle via GitHub (Tuesday, 17 July)
- kcoyle via GitHub (Tuesday, 17 July)
- Lars G. Svensson via GitHub (Tuesday, 17 July)
- Rob Atkinson (Tuesday, 17 July)
- Lars G. Svensson via GitHub (Monday, 16 July)
- aisaac via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 July)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Sunday, 8 July)
- Annette Greiner via GitHub (Friday, 6 July)
- Annette Greiner via GitHub (Friday, 6 July)
- Andreas Kuckartz via GitHub (Friday, 6 July)
- Rob Sanderson via GitHub (Friday, 6 July)
- Annette Greiner via GitHub (Friday, 6 July)
- kcoyle via GitHub (Friday, 6 July)
- Rob Atkinson via GitHub (Thursday, 5 July)
- Annette Greiner via GitHub (Thursday, 5 July)
- Annette Greiner (Thursday, 5 July)
- aisaac via GitHub (Tuesday, 3 July)
- Rob Sanderson via GitHub (Tuesday, 3 July)
[dxwg] Version definition [RVSDF]
[dxwg] Web browser navigation of profile information
ACTION-154: Create milestone in GitHub for next DCAT FPWD (Dataset Exchange Working Group)
Agenda July 24
Agenda June 10
Agenda, July 3
Agenda, July 31, 2018
Another outline
Closed: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services?
Closed: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints
Closed: [dxwg] dcat:downloadURL - check constraints
Closed: [dxwg] dcat:mediaType - check constraints
Closed: [dxwg] Distribution schema [RDIS]
Closed: [dxwg] Distribution service [RDISV]
Closed: [dxwg] Error in example of dcat:mediaType
Closing requirement issues on github?
CNEG Meeting 2018-08-01 20:00 UTC
- Svensson, Lars (Tuesday, 31 July)
- Svensson, Lars (Tuesday, 31 July)
- Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) (Tuesday, 31 July)
- Robert Sanderson (Monday, 30 July)
- Svensson, Lars (Monday, 30 July)
DCAT team meeting 2018-07-05
Definition of 'a profile'
dxwg-ACTION-139: 239 needs more discussion by conneg group and reading and comments by everyone
dxwg-ACTION-140: Uc239 needs more discussion by conneg group and reading and comments by everyone
dxwg-ACTION-141: Add his wording to the profiles document
dxwg-ACTION-142: Construct examples to show usage of Dataset -dct:relation etc
dxwg-ACTION-143: Construct examples of relations from real catalogs
dxwg-ACTION-144: alejandra also to develop examples of dct:relation etc
dxwg-ACTION-145: Set up regular github dump to w3.org
dxwg-ACTION-146: Look into adding a disclaimer for ip in the github readme to cover the wg for contributions by non-members as possible solution - or find a better solution
dxwg-ACTION-147: Write to andreas kuchartz and jakub klimek drawing their attention to the ip policies at w3c wrt their contributions
dxwg-ACTION-148: Work with roba and antoine to establish meeting schedule for profile guidance doc
dxwg-ACTION-149: Resolve the outstanding pull requests for the ucr from andrea
dxwg-ACTION-150: Add pointer to Figure 1 from green box about dcat:Distribution
dxwg-ACTION-151: Add note about expectations from DCAT clients relating to backward compatibility
dxwg-ACTION-152: Further clarify defnition/usage notes for conformsTo to note that 'standard' means 'specification'
dxwg-ACTION-153: Do some real editorial work on DCAT draft
dxwg-ACTION-154: Create milestone in GitHub for next DCAT FPWD
dxwg-ACTION-155: Emails rejected from public comments list
dxwg-ACTION-156: Copy ip info to our github repo
dxwg-ACTION-157: To remove old milestones and check tags are correct for DCAT issues
dxwg-ACTION-158: To create a formal issue for uom on bytesize
dxwg-ACTION-159: Remove old milestones and check tags are correct for DCAT issues
dxwg-ACTION-160: Create a formal issue for uom on bytesize
dxwg-ACTION-161: Update current PR to reflect agreement here
dxwg-ACTION-162: Update the readme in the profiledesc directory to provide documentation and open a github issue to begin discussion
dxwg-ACTION-163: Guide the guidance group to present some potential outlines
dxwg-ACTION-164: Smooth out examples, including dct:type example, as part of editorial sweep
dxwg-ACTION-165: Merge https://â??github.com/â??w3c/â??dxwg/â??pull/â??308
EOIs for profile guidance
- Antoine Isaac (Tuesday, 31 July)
- Karen Coyle (Tuesday, 31 July)
- Antoine Isaac (Tuesday, 31 July)
- Svensson, Lars (Tuesday, 31 July)
- Karen Coyle (Tuesday, 31 July)
- Rob Atkinson (Tuesday, 31 July)
- Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) (Tuesday, 31 July)
Examples of contribution statements for W3C github
Organizing milestones
Plenary agenda July 17
Poll for new time for the CNEG meeting
Profile Guidance roundup
Proposed agenda Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.07.26 - Dataset Exchange Working Group
public-comments email problem
TPAC registration reminder
Use of SHACL for profiles
- Svensson, Lars (Wednesday, 18 July)
- Simon.Cox@csiro.au (Wednesday, 18 July)
- Rob Atkinson (Tuesday, 17 July)
- Simon.Cox@csiro.au (Tuesday, 17 July)
- Rob Atkinson (Tuesday, 17 July)
- Svensson, Lars (Tuesday, 17 July)
- Rob Atkinson (Tuesday, 10 July)
- Karen Coyle (Monday, 9 July)
- Rob Atkinson (Monday, 9 July)
- Robert Sanderson (Saturday, 7 July)
- Karen Coyle (Saturday, 7 July)
- Dan Brickley (Saturday, 7 July)
- Karen Coyle (Saturday, 7 July)
W3C staff limited accessibility July 9-13
Last message date: Tuesday, 31 July 2018 20:14:24 UTC