Re: [dxwg] Best practice for a loosely-structured catalog

@dr-shorthair wrote:

> @makxdekkers re the 
>> CKAN extension – see, e.g.:
> Could we get this example in DCAT? I can't find the API specification to pull it down. 

Sorry, @dr-shorthair & @makxdekkers , for not replying earlier. Here's the relevant RDF (abridged):

  a dcat:Dataset ;
  dcterms:accrualPeriodicity <> ;
  dcterms:description """PREDICT includes statistics on ICT industries and their R&D in Europe since 2006. [...]"""@en ;
  dcterms:identifier "jrc-predict-predict2017-core" ;
  dcterms:isReferencedBy <>, <> ;
  dcterms:issued "2017-05-10"^^xsd:date ;
  dcterms:language <> ;
  dcterms:modified "2017-05-10"^^xsd:date ;
  dcterms:publisher <> ;
  dcterms:relation [
    dcterms:description "PREDICT webpage (European Commission - JRC Science Hub)"@en ;
    dcterms:format <> ;
    dcterms:title "Prospective insights on R&D in ICT (PREDICT)"@en ;
    dcat:accessURL <>
  ] ;
  dcterms:spatial <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <> ;
  dcterms:subject <>, <> ;
  dcterms:temporal [
    a dcterms:PeriodOfTime ;
    schema:endDate "2016-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
    schema:startDate "1995-01-01"^^xsd:date
  ] ;
  dcterms:title "2017 PREDICT Dataset"@en ;
  dcat:contactPoint [
    a vcard:Kind ;
    vcard:hasEmail <>
  ] ;
  dcat:distribution [
    a dcat:Distribution ;
    dcterms:accessRights <> ;
    dcterms:description "The compressed zip file contains two Excel files splitting the complete 2017 PREDICT Dataset into: macroeconomic variables and R&D related variables."@en ;
    dcterms:format <> ;
    dcterms:license <> ;
    dcterms:title "2017 PREDICT Dataset, Excel file"@en ;
    dcat:accessURL <>
  ], [
    a dcat:Distribution ;
    dcterms:accessRights <> ;
    dcterms:description "The compressed zip file contains a CSV file including the complete 2017 PREDICT Dataset"@en ;
    dcterms:format <> ;
    dcterms:license <> ;
    dcterms:title "2017 PREDICT Dataset, CSV file"@en ;
    dcat:accessURL <>
  ] ;
  dcat:keyword "ICT R&D and innovation"@en, "ICT industry analysis"@en, "ICT"@en, "R&D"@en, "digital economy"@en, "information society"@en, "innovation"@en, "statistics"@en ;
  dcat:landingPage <> ;
  dcat:theme <>, <> .

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Received on Monday, 23 July 2018 10:02:02 UTC