[DCAT] - proposed agenda 2018-07-19


Main items:

3. Second Public Working Draft: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/13

4. Minor issues -
- Add dct:conformsTo to dcat:Distribution
- Correct dcat:mediaType examples
- Range for dcat:mediaType
- Range for dcat:byteSize - xsd:decimal or xsd:integer?

5. Catalogues in which dataset is an undifferentiated set of files
- Further elaboration of worked examples added to Best practice for a loosely-structured catalog
- Proposed: in context of a dcat:Dataset, the range of dct:hasPart should be another dcat:Dataset

6. Initial examples of use of PROV for dataset Project Context
1. Add property dcat:wasGeneratedBy for use on dcat:Dataset. An owl:ObjectProperty whose target SHOULD be an activity or project;
2. Add a non-normative note pointing to prov:Activity as a useful formalization for activities that generate datasets, and include an example similar to above to illustrate its use ;
3. In the DCAT-PROV alignment include the axiom dcat:wasGeneratedBy owl:equivalentProperty prov:wasGeneratedBy . ;
4. Publish the Project Ontology as a working group Note ;
5. Add a non-normative note pointing to proj:Project as a useful formalization for planned activities that generate datasets

7. Still held over
- Dataset aspects
-- dataset semantics
-- dataset size
- Dataset citation
- How to express distributions provided as compressed files

Simon J D Cox
Research Scientist - Environmental Informatics
Team Leader - Environmental Information Infrastructure
CSIRO Land and Water<http://www.csiro.au/Research/LWF>

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Received on Tuesday, 17 July 2018 04:49:05 UTC