About H40 Definition list usage
Add. visual cues for links only differentiated by colour nit just when link receives focus
Another application of DL-DT-DD
CSS Technique: Using an invisible header text in the sidebar navigation.
Embeded Flash content
Error in text replacement or deletion?
Example 2
Example 3 does not fit (because here, the text container does resize)
Example 3: value attribute
Example 6: 'selected' attribute
Example 7: Textarea
Failure Example 2
Guideline 1.3 covering the needs of people with low vision
Incomplete naming of technique
Minor additional pointer
Need (or not) for text equivalent of AV files
Objectionable phrasing
Please also publish in Microsoft Word or rtf format
Please delete my comment made today regarding G183 and F73
RDkCvw <a href="http://typrkebctmiy.com/">typrkebctmiy</a>, [url=http://guegprounemk.com/]guegprounemk[/url], [link=http://espn
Situation B: Colors for stacked bar chart
Technique G167 not well supported by Assistive Technology
Technique title
This applies to all pdf techniques explaining how to proceed with ms office
UA and AT out of date.
Unclosed link tag that displays all text in a link, and missing words in the note.
Wrong shortcut to expand a node?
Last message date: Tuesday, 30 August 2011 10:00:27 UTC