www-svg@w3.org from February 2012 by subject

<number-optional-number> and integer pairs

[Bug 15503] Replace SVG Transforms and section about the 'transform' attribute by CSS3 Transforms

[Bug 15506] Check that SVG and CSS have the same unit types

[CREATE] ORA spec: adding additional layer effects

[svg11 errata] Re: Mask and Clip behavior

Agenda request: Presentation attributes in animation sandwich model

Agenda request: SVG attributes to presentation attributes

Allowing <mask>, <clipPath> etc. to target their parents

canvas in SVG (was: Re: SVG 2 Requirements: next phase)

Clarifying the behavior of SVG arithmetic feComposite filters

display:none and mixed SVG and HTML

Fwd: [CREATE] ORA spec: adding additional layer effects

in consist

Mask and Clip behavior

Minutes, 9 February 2012 SVG WG telcon

minutes, February 2 2012 SVG WG Telcon

New version of mesh branch.

path data attribute lacks units!

Small enhancement proposal for SVG

Style elements in SVG content

SVG Specification Typo

SVG Testing Harness (was: Re: Agenda request: Presentation attributes in animation sandwich model)

Typo correction

Using test images in a scientific publication?

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 February 2012 09:33:24 UTC