Agenda request: Presentation attributes in animation sandwich model


I have an agenda request with the topic "Presentation attributes in animation sandwich model" for the next meeting.

This comes up after reviewing the CSS3 Animation specification[1]. The current specification does not describe how CSS3 Transition or SMIL animation of presentation attributes contribute to the animation sandwich model.

We already have a resolution how to solve this issue for the 'transform' attribute (and all new presentation attributes with SVG DOM interfaces)[2]. SVG Animation will take the value of the intrinsic styles, when no CSS animation is running, and takes the contributed results from CSS3 animation if an animation is running. The graphic attached to this mail should help to understand this model.

The problem does not only occur on 'transform', but all existing presentation attributes. SMIL 3.0 Animation[3] is outdated and does not consider CSS Animations nor CSS Transitions. It would make most sense, when CSS3 Animation gets updated to consider all three types of animations.

I would like to see the resolution for some presentation attributes get extended to all presentation attributes, so that we the editors of CSS3 Animations have the blessing of the SVG WG. According to Daniel Holbert (a SVG contributor at Mozilla), this is already done that way in Gecko.


CC'ing www-svg to address more people.


Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 20:43:07 UTC