www-rdf-logic@w3.org from January 2005 by subject

2nd CfP: AAAI'05 workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications (C&O-2005)

[rdf] Re: same-syntax extensions to RDF

[SCL] same-syntax extensions to RDF

An Ontology for Artificial Intelligence Techniques

Call For Papers: 30 Joint Conferences in CS & CE; June 2005, Las Vegas, USA

CEEMAS05 Call for Papers

CFP: Formal Ontologies Meet Industry


CFP: Policy Management for the Web (PM4W) Workshop at WWW05

CFP: Web Service Semantics workshop at WWW2005

DL2005: first Call for Papers

ESWC 2005: Cf Posters and Software Demos

Order your copy of the VIP Book 2005 Now!

RDF as a syntax for OWL

RDF as a syntax for OWL (was Re: same-syntax extensions to RDF)

Rules for converting from FOL->DL(OWL)?

same-syntax extensions to RDF

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Support for Qualified Cardinality Constraints?

updated WSS2005 CfP

VIP-Booking.com Lite Newsletter Volume 63 - 18/01/2005

VIP-Booking.com Newsletter Volume 64 - 28/01/2005

Last message date: Monday, 31 January 2005 04:26:22 UTC