[ANN] Microsoft XSD Inference Tool v 1.0
[xmlschema-dev] <none>
all group
all groups: top level only?
Arbitrary Set of Elements (xsd)
Beta test of schema validation with both xsd and xsl against xml
Choice: attribute or child element
Component-Based Schema Design
Constraints in XML Schema
content model error?
date & time pattern change
defining the complex type of an element depending on the value of an attribute
Doubt about validation
embedding xsd/xslt in XML
Enhanced XML Schema semantic suggestion / XML Schema 1.1
Enumerated List management
Enumeration restrictions
Fwd: Re: Choice: attribute or child element [retry]
HELP Required in XML validation against XSD schema for Email and Phone number
IDREF constraint
Information on use of numerical occurrence constraints in W3C XML Schema
Integrating XLink attributes into XML Schema
Multilingual schemas?
Nested Simple Type Definitions - AXIS/.NET
Newbie question
Pattern matching (XSV vs. Xerces)
Problems with definingt simple restriction
Q: Catching entity references by XSD construct?
Q: Multilingual schemas?
recursive definition in XML schema
Schema to WSDL Converter
SchemaViewer improvements
White chars in XML field of type long
xsd:anyType, xsd:anySimpleType
Last message date: Monday, 30 December 2002 14:45:35 UTC