White chars in XML field of type long

> Is it possible in XML standard document to have blank ("white-chars")
> spaces before numers in fields which base (simple) type is 'long'. I  use
> the specyfication from http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#long) 
> Below there is a specyfication in XML Schema of the field and a usage that
> is under consideration to be prooper or not. This rule is neded for a
> validator. 
> XML Schema:
> <element name="Ehi" nullable="true">
> 	<simpleType>
> 		<restriction base="long">
> 			<precision value="5"/>
> 		</restriction>
> 	</simpleType>
> </element>
> XML Document:
> <Ehi> 200</EHi>
> I hope the information above is precise enought to give me  an advice.
> Thanks in advance. 
> Lesław Winiarski 
> Grid Operation Department
> PSE SA tel. +48 (27) 222 15 73, fax. +48 (27) 222 25 38

Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2002 10:42:11 UTC