Re: Arbitrary Set of Elements (xsd)

<xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
 <xsd:element ref="e1" />
 <xsd:element ref="e2" />
 <xsd:element ref="e3" />

Jan Mendling <> on 12/17/2002 11:58:46 AM

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Subject:    Arbitrary Set of Elements (xsd)

Hello Schema-experts,
I have a question about grouping of elements.
Consider definitions of three different kind of elements, i.e. < e1/>,<
e2/>, and < e3/> as instances of a schema
How can I define a grouping (in XML Schema) that allows any sequence of
these elements with any possible amount of occurrences, like:

< e1/>
< e2/>
< e1/>
< e3/>
< e1/>
.... or any other sequence of these three elements?

I tried using the all-statement, but it is not allowed in a sequence-tag.
Thank you in advance for your support.

Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2002 13:16:47 UTC