www-validator@w3.org from November 2010 by subject

"No Referer header found!" ?!?

[VE][47] End of document in prolog error using locally installed W3C validator

A tide of trash

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AW: Tippfehler in Fehlermeldung

bug: case-insensitive checking of IDs

checklink: Error: 500 Can't locate object method "new" via package "LWP::Protocol::https::Socket" when trying to link-check https://preview.addons.mozilla.org/z/en-US/firefox/discovery/4.0b5pre/Darwin

DOCTYPE; was Re (2): W3C validator error - End tag for element "HEAD" which is not open

Fwd: Tippfehler in Fehlermeldung

HTML5 validation message

IDN-support for the validate by URI (IRI) feature

incorrect language tag error for "sgs"

Javascript: character ";" not allowed in attribute specification list

non-recognition of the svg namespace prefix

old version of validator.nu? (was: incorrect language tag error for "sgs")

Possibly wrong Validator error about track tag

submitted feedback which was incorrect - Lawrence Wical

Support or validation for asx files

Tippfehler in Fehlermeldung

url strings, should be ignored

Validation errors using FaceBook's LIKE and COMMENT plugins

validation of undefined prefixes

Validator Api Problem On IIS

Validator Javascript error today

Very strange behavior of XHTML validator

W3C validator error - End tag for element "HEAD" which is not open

webkitdirectory in input

X-UA-Compatible http-equiv on meta should be recognized by the HTML5 Conformance Checker

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 November 2010 18:20:46 UTC