Re: Issue i001: what and how many things are we identifying?
deepLinking-25: Norwegian Supreme Court will rule on the liabilty for links to illegal MP3-Files
Agenda: TAG Telcon 31st January 2005
Fwd: RFC 3987 on Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)
Fwd: STD 66,RFC 3986 on Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
draft minutes TAG telcon 24 Jan 2005
on Extending and Versioning draft findings
Agenda: TAG Telcon 24th January 2005
Glossary of Terms for Device Independence
why newspapers use in-your-face URLs rather than real hyperlinks (deepLinking-25)
- Re: why newspapers use in-your-face URLs rather than real hyperlinks (deepLinking-25)
- Re: why newspapers use in-your-face URLs rather than real hyperlinks (deepLinking-25)