Re: [css-text-decor] Update to account for sideways-lr/rl

On 03/15/2016 11:46 PM, fantasai wrote:
> The Text Decoration module does certain special things for vertical
> writing modes; it should be fixed/clarified to make sure it does
> the appropriate things for sideways-lr/rl modes (i.e. don't use
> vertical typographic conventions, use horizontal ones rotated 90deg).

I've checked in changes that make text decoration depend on vertical
vs horizontal *typographic* mode rather than *writing* mode.

Note that this makes text-emphasis-position and text-underline-position
use the [over|under] value pairing instead of the [left|right] for the
sideways-lr/rl values of 'writing-mode'. (The logic for this is that all
text, including CJK, is rotated in these modes--CJK text would tend to
use vertical-lr/rl, which allows for upright characters and allows for
sideways characters via 'text-orientation'.)

Please let me know if there are any concerns with this approach.


Received on Tuesday, 27 December 2016 13:19:34 UTC