www-smil@w3.org from January to March 2001 by subject

[Fwd: [Moderator Action] frames and SMIL]

[Fwd: SMIL 2.0 comment: 14.3.2 Conformance of SMIL 2.0 Basic Documents]

[Fwd: SojaApplet player from www.helio.org]

[Moderator Action] who are using the SMIL to webcast

[www-smil] <none>

adding a redirect

automatic diagnosis of SMIL document

AW: Does RealPresenter produce a SMIL document.

AW: Problem putting smile online.

Bug's with embedded SMIL

CFP: ACM Multimedia 2001

CFP: MMM2001 - The 8TH International Conference on Multimedia Modeling


Does RealPresenter produce a SMIL document.

Embedding Real Media & Flickering

examples in SMIL2 specs

First European UIML conference

Fwd: Journal of Visual Languages and Computing CFP

IE 5.5 and SMIL

John Lansdown Prize committee (fwd)

Make video section transparent

making an "autocue" in smil

Maybe I should explain

on text decoration

Passing methods() to a player

Problem putting smile online.

problem with real media smil

questions from a new SMIL user

SMIL 2.0 - Duration of Last Call Period?

SMIL 2.0 animation article

SMIL 2.0 comment: 14.3.2 Conformance of SMIL 2.0 Basic Docume nts

SMIL 2.0 comment: 14.3.2 Conformance of SMIL 2.0 Basic Documents

SMIL 2.0 Implementation and Real System G2

SMIL 2.0 Presentation

SMIL and Browserfuntion

SMIL and IE5.5 Bug

SMIL hyperlinking question

SMIL versus SVG and Flash5

SojaApplet player from www.helio.org

UIML Europe 2001

Will smil developer smil?

X-Smiles: Java-based Open Source XML Browser with SMIL 1.0 support

Last message date: Thursday, 29 March 2001 00:57:14 UTC