Maybe I should explain

Here is how my SMIL code goes, it's just to play an audio file, branded with
our company logo in the Real player.  When the audio file ends, I want it to
redirect (load) to the demos page of our website.  The link is being sent to
clients in email, so a blank browser window sloads behind the player when
it's lauched.

    <meta name="author" content="Net Technologies, Inc."/>
    <meta name="title" content="DoTell - Instant Phone to Net Streaming -
    <meta name="copyright" content="© 2001"/>
    <root-layout background-color="#FFFFFF" height="73" width="340"/>
    <region id="branding2_Region" left="0" top="1" height="72" width="340"
z-index="0" background-color="#FFFFFF"/>
        <img id="branding2" src="branding2.gif" region="branding2_Region"
        <audio id="dotell"

Sorry I have to leave the audio file out for security.

So after my </par> tags I need to add a line of SMIL to launch a URL in the
browser.... Any idea?  Please note, this isn't video, its AUDIO.

Scott Allen Caplan 
Multimedia Producer - Net Technologies
System Applications Engineer - DoTell
Net Technologies, Inc.
38 E 29th Street - 9th floor
New York City, New York 10016 
1-212-889-2015 - ext. 130

Received on Friday, 19 January 2001 10:10:48 UTC