Proposed further response regarding CoP
Draft Minutes - QA Working Group Teleconference - 27-May-2005
draft proposed rewording of Scope (for Al comment)
[EXTRA!!] Agenda: May 27 2005 QA WG Teleconf
- Re: [EXTRA!!] Agenda: May 27 2005 QA WG Teleconf (regrets)
- Dublin hotel reservations for August face-to-face
Re: formal vs. prose and PR [was: Re: Final minutes QA WG Teleconference May 16]
Extra QAWG teleconference this week?
[POLL] Teleconference this week
Regrets in advance [was: Re: formal vs. prose and PR]
Dublin F2F Hotel
[CANCELED] QA WG Teleconf, May 23, Monday
Larger bundle of changes to ViS
QA Review of SKOS Core Vocabulary (1st publication)
AI done
Closed action items
Final Minutes 9 May 2005 QAWG Teleconference
regrets for May 23 QAWG teleconference
regrets for May 23 QAWG teleconference
deprecation and 1st version
Draft minutes of 16 May QA WG teleconf
Today's teleconference
SpecGL editorial comment
Schema Test Suite available
My action item AI-20050905-07 done
SpecGL implementation report, 2nd draft
Agenda: May 16 2005 QA WG Teleconf
Re: CSS examples of umbrella specifications?
Draft Response to WAI CG on Need Clarifications for 2.2 Requirement A
Draft Response to WAI CG on Deprecation in case of WCAG1.0/WCAG2.0
inconsistency for SpecGL Requirement 03?
Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Formal Language vs. Prose: Ambiguity
Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Managing Variability in WCAG2.0
New Editors draft of SpecGL
Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Need Clarifications for 2.2
Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Address Accessibility in Requirements
Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on detailed table of contents
Proposed reply Re: answer to TAG issue on SpecGL ICS
Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Deprecation in case of
Re-Draft Answer to WAI CG on extensibility in the case of WCAG2.0
draft minutes 9 May 2005 QAWG teleconference
Test FAQ ready to release, draft announcement to Chairs
- RE: Test FAQ ready to release, draft announcement to Chairs
- Re: Test FAQ ready to release, draft announcement to Chairs
- RE: Test FAQ ready to release, draft announcement to Chairs