Re: inconsistency for SpecGL Requirement 03?

Le mardi 10 mai 2005 à 09:55 -0400, Tim Boland a écrit :
> According to my access, the heading for Requirement 03 in revised SpecGL:
> has not been changed to match the actual wording of  Requirement 03 in the 
> text (re: resolution of issue 1089).
> Would it be possible to make this change for consistency?

I've made the following changes in the new editors version:
* changed "or/and" to "and/or" in the title of Req 3
* updated the title accordingly in the table of contents
* updated the title accordingly in the ICS

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2005 14:08:53 UTC