Dimitris Dimitriadis
Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux
- Re: [POLL] Teleconference this week (Monday, 23 May)
- Draft minutes of 16 May QA WG teleconf (Monday, 16 May)
- Re: SpecGL implementation report, 2nd draft (Friday, 13 May)
- Re: CSS examples of umbrella specifications? (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Taxonomy of tests (was: Test FAQ ready to release, draft announcement to Chairs) (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re: inconsistency for SpecGL Requirement 03? (Tuesday, 10 May)
- my action items (was: draft minutes 9 May 2005 QAWG teleconference) (Tuesday, 10 May)
- New Editors draft of SpecGL (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Proposed reply Re: answer to TAG issue on SpecGL ICS (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re: Issue 1049 (Formal vs prose language normativity) - suggested resolution (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Test FAQ ready to release, draft announcement to Chairs (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re: [DRAFT] Review of SVG 1.2 Tiny Last Call (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re: Agenda: May 9 2005 QA WG Teleconf (Monday, 9 May)
Karl Dubost
- Re: Dublin hotel reservations for August face-to-face (Tuesday, 31 May)
- [EXTRA!!] Agenda: May 27 2005 QA WG Teleconf (Tuesday, 24 May)
- [POLL] Teleconference this week (Monday, 23 May)
- [CANCELED] QA WG Teleconf, May 23, Monday (Friday, 20 May)
- QA Review of SKOS Core Vocabulary (1st publication) (Thursday, 19 May)
- Review of SVG 1.2 Tiny Last Call (Thursday, 19 May)
- Re: SpecGL implementation report, 2nd draft (Friday, 13 May)
- Agenda: May 16 2005 QA WG Teleconf (Thursday, 12 May)
- Re: [DRAFT] Review of SVG 1.2 Tiny Last Call (Tuesday, 10 May)
- [DRAFT] Review of SVG 1.2 Tiny Last Call (Monday, 9 May)
- Agenda: May 9 2005 QA WG Teleconf (Monday, 9 May)
- Re: [draft] answers to multiple WAI CG comments re: SpecGL (Tuesday, 3 May)
- Variability in Specification (Monday, 2 May)
Kennedy, Richard T
Lofton Henderson
- draft proposed rewording of Scope (for Al comment) (Friday, 27 May)
- Re: formal vs. prose and PR [was: Re: Final minutes QA WG Teleconference May 16] (Tuesday, 24 May)
- Regrets in advance [was: Re: formal vs. prose and PR] (Monday, 23 May)
- AI done (Wednesday, 18 May)
- Re: deprecation and 1st version (Monday, 16 May)
- deprecation and 1st version (Monday, 16 May)
- Re: Draft minutes of 16 May QA WG teleconf (Monday, 16 May)
- SpecGL editorial comment (Friday, 13 May)
- Re: SpecGL implementation report, 2nd draft (Friday, 13 May)
- Re: [DRAFT] Review of SVG 1.2 Tiny Last Call (Tuesday, 10 May)
- RE: Test FAQ ready to release, draft announcement to Chairs (Tuesday, 10 May)
- deprecation and 1st version [was Re: answer to TAG issue on positive statements for non applicability] (Tuesday, 3 May)
- Draft Proposed Answer to Jeremy Carroll [amended] (Monday, 2 May)
- Draft Proposed Answer to Bjoern Hoehrmann [amended] (Monday, 2 May)
- Re: [draft] Agenda: May 2nd 2005 QA WG Teleconf (Monday, 2 May)
- Draft Proposed Answer to Jeremy Carroll (Monday, 2 May)
- Draft Proposed Answer to Bjoern Hoehrmann (Monday, 2 May)
Lynne S. Rosenthal
Mark W. Skall
Patrick Curran
Tim Boland
- Final Minutes 9 May 2005 QAWG Teleconference (Tuesday, 17 May)
- regrets for May 23 QAWG teleconference (Monday, 16 May)
- regrets for May 23 QAWG teleconference (Monday, 16 May)
- Draft Response to WAI CG on Need Clarifications for 2.2 Requirement A (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Draft Response to WAI CG on Deprecation in case of WCAG1.0/WCAG2.0 (Tuesday, 10 May)
- inconsistency for SpecGL Requirement 03? (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Formal Language vs. Prose: Ambiguity (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Managing Variability in WCAG2.0 (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Need Clarifications for 2.2 (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Address Accessibility in Requirements (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on detailed table of contents (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re-Draft Response to WAI CG on Deprecation in case of (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re: Test FAQ ready to release, draft announcement to Chairs (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Re-Draft Answer to WAI CG on extensibility in the case of WCAG2.0 (Tuesday, 10 May)
- draft minutes 9 May 2005 QAWG teleconference (Tuesday, 10 May)
- Fwd: specific concerns re: responses to WAI CG on SpecGL? (Tuesday, 3 May)
Last message date: Tuesday, 31 May 2005 15:13:40 UTC