Tables and Charts


I was recently watching a computer class at the school I work in as a 
sysadmin play with Microsoft Excel, and I realized something is missing 
from the TABLE spec, as drafted in the HTML 3.0 draft and/or the 
Netscape, NCSA Mosaic and other implementations: charts and graphs. 
Currently the only way to create such charts (and you see them realtively 
often) is to make them as pictures, and use the IMG tag to display them. 
Here's a better idea I've been thinking about:

We currently have the TABLE tag and its enclosed elements, which allow us 
to create a table of data, something like this (for example):

______|_ A _|_ B _|_ C _|     Now, we all know how to create this in HTML
One   | 123 | 456 | 789 |     using TABLE. Ok. Done. I have a table of
Two   | 911 | 666 | 555 |     numeric data, on my page, with each column
Three | 987 | 654 | 321 |     and row labled. Now, in Excel (getting back 
                             to my point), I could select this, hit 
graph, and it would come back with a beautifully rendered graph, 
something like this:

__________________________   Of course, it would look better, and I could
|                        |   render it in any sort of style I choosed,
| X=One     YZ           |   including 3D and whatnot. Now, I'm sure that
| Y=Two     YZ  YZ X     |   browser authors could figure out what Micro-
| Z=Three   YZ XYZ XY    |   soft has figured out, and give us a graph
|           YZ XYZ XYZ   |   from a table, too. So I have an idea I'd
|          XYZ XYZ XYZ   |   like to hear some comments on:
|           A   B   C    |
|________________________|   We take the basic TABLE spec, as is, and add 
                             an attribute to the main TABLE tag, the 
CHART element. If present, it would define a type of chart, and the 
browser would take the following table data and attempt to convert it 
into a graph. For example, to create the above, I might use <TABLE BORDER 
CHART=bar>. We could define a couple basics, say bar, line, pie and 
chart. Everything else (including 2D vs. 3D) could be done via style 
sheets. Well, actually, charts could be done via style sheets entirely 
too, but I think that HTML needs to stand on its own without them, and 
this would be a good feature to add directly to the spec.

Of course, it'd be a somewhat optional feature of HTML 3.0 (use that magic 
'should' word when discussing implemntation), sorta like displaying the 
image in the SRC attribute of IMG or (the proposed) FIG. If the client 
was unable to display a graph (either it didn't support it - try doing 
this reliably on a vt100 - or the data was too complex or 
non-numerical), it would simply display the table, as written.

All the TABLE tags would be supported (BORDER, ALIGN, CLASS, ID, all 
that other stuff that no browser supports currently), as with TABLE's 
content tags.

And, although the spec (IMO) shouldn't say anything about how the table 
is to be formatted, it should reccomend something like the following:

   Table title
      First data point name
      Second data point name
      First data set name
      Data for first data point, first data set
      Data for second data point, first data set
      Second data set name
      Data for first data point, second data set

And so forth. Obviously, that's not perfect (and, if you've kept track, 
there's no way - at least that I can see - to make a pie chart with more 
than one data set. But then, HTML 3.0 tables also let you, using the 
COLSPAN and ROWSPAN attributes, let you overlap tags, so I think it'll 


--/ Alexei Kosut <> /--------/ Lefler on IRC
----------------------------/ <>
The viewpoints expressed above are entirely false, and in no way
represent Alexei Kosut nor any other person or entity. /--------------

Received on Friday, 7 July 1995 02:03:28 UTC