[FR] Completed translation
[FR] Intention of translation
Complete translation "Performance Timeline" into Korean
Complete translation "Pointer Events" into Korean
Complete translation "Role Attribute 1.0" into Korean
Complete translation "User timing" into Korean
Complete translation "Vibration API" into Korean
complete translation CSS color module Level 3 in Korean
complete translation CSS Media Queries in Korean
complete translation CSS Namespaces Module Level 3 in Korean
complete translation CSS Style Attribute in Korean
complete translation page-visibility (Second Edition) in Korean
complete translation Selectors Level 3 in Korean.
complete translation The 'view-mode' media feature in Korean
complete translation web notifications in Korean
I have a plan to translate this document for Korean
question about W3C Pointer event
Translation for W3C
Updated article: Using character escapes in markup and CSS
Last message date: Tuesday, 15 December 2015 15:38:14 UTC