from October 2016 by thread

DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #659 Agenda 2016-11-01 Andrew Coleman (Friday, 28 October)

Some JSON tests Liam R. E. Quin (Wednesday, 26 October)

XQuery, XPath, 3.1 specs and i18n review Liam R. E. Quin (Tuesday, 25 October)

Updated QT test suite reports O'Neil Delpratt (Tuesday, 25 October)

ACTION A-657-14 Completed O'Neil Delpratt (Tuesday, 25 October)

Completed action item: ACTION A-657-18 O'Neil Delpratt (Monday, 24 October)

Action A-657-19 Completed O'Neil Delpratt (Monday, 24 October)

Updated test suite results Tim Mills (Friday, 21 October)

DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #658 Agenda 2016-10-25 Andrew Coleman (Friday, 21 October)

Action A-657-11 completed Andrew Coleman (Thursday, 20 October)

Minutes for Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #657, 2016-10-18 Abel Braaksma (Tuesday, 18 October)

DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #657 Agenda 2016-10-18 Andrew Coleman (Friday, 14 October)

Action A-656-02 completed Andrew Coleman (Friday, 14 October)

Function annotations Michael Kay (Wednesday, 12 October)

** CANCELLED tomorrow's teleconference, 2016-10-11 ** Andrew Coleman (Monday, 10 October)

Validating reported results Tim Mills (Monday, 10 October)

DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #657 Agenda 2016-10-11 Andrew Coleman (Friday, 7 October)

ACTION A-654-11 Tim Mills (Friday, 7 October)

JSON escaping Michael Kay (Tuesday, 4 October)

ACTION A-654-01: Abel to commit changes to CVS for fn:transform tests. Abel Braaksma (Tuesday, 4 October)

Re: DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #656 Agenda 2016-10-04 Tim Mills (Monday, 3 October)

Last message date: Friday, 28 October 2016 18:55:30 UTC