*reminder* input sought: diagram descriptions (WCAG WG comment #5)
*reminder* TPAC 2012 Registration
3.1.4 Step 1.d: Define the Context of Website Use
[input requested] 3.4.2 Step 4.b: Use WCAG 2.0 Techniques Where Possible (Optional)
Agenda EvalTF
Agenda EvalTF Telco
Agenda EvalTF Telco - regrets
Agenda EvalTF today
AT Accessibility Support required across the web site.
Automated testing
AW: Agenda EvalTF
AW: Agenda EvalTF today
AW: AT Accessibility Support required across the web site.
AW: Randomly choosing pages
Call for Review: Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM)
changes to 3.4.2 Step 4.b: Use WCAG 2.0 Techniques Where Possible (Optional)
Comment on 3.3
Comment on 3.3 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
comment on WACEM 1.0 -- use of internal links
comments for WCAG-EM
EvalTF agenda
EvalTF new documents for review
EvalTF new Editor Draft available
EvalTF result review by WCAG WG
evaltf-ISSUE-8 (Numbering): Numbering of sections and steps [WCAG-EM - Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology 1.0]
evaltf-ISSUE-9 (Sampling): Refine the sampling procedure to ensure being representative [WCAG-EM - Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology 1.0]
Examples for evaluating the methodology
Fwd: Minutes for Teleconference on 12 September 2012
Fwd: Minutes WCAG 06 Sep 2012
Fwd: Minutes WCAG 13 Sep 2012
Fwd: Re: Call for Review: Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM)
Minutes for Teleconference on 13 September 2012
Minutes for Teleconference on 20 September 2012
Minutes for Teleconference on 27 September 2012
Minutes for Teleconference on 6 September 2012
New Editor Draft available
New Editor Draft EvalTF for review
New Public Working Draft of Methodology
Questions to be asking ourselves if/when we use our draft methodology to evaluate some websites
Randomly choosing pages
- Denis Boudreau (Friday, 14 September)
- RichardWarren (Friday, 14 September)
- Alistair Garrison (Friday, 14 September)
- detlev.fischer@testkreis.de (Friday, 14 September)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Friday, 14 September)
- Kathy Wahlbin (Friday, 14 September)
- Alistair Garrison (Friday, 14 September)
- Kathy Wahlbin (Friday, 14 September)
- Vivienne CONWAY (Friday, 14 September)
- Alistair Garrison (Friday, 14 September)
- Vivienne CONWAY (Friday, 14 September)
- Detlev Fischer (Friday, 14 September)
- Vivienne CONWAY (Friday, 14 September)
regrets - Re: Agenda EvalTF
Think 3.1.4 needs to be reconsidered, at least for sites that have more than one web team.
Thoughts about the differentiation of reporting types (Basic | Detailed | In-depth)
Two comments Methodology doc
wrong list - apologies for the noise! (was Re: New Public Working Draft of Methodology)
Last message date: Sunday, 30 September 2012 19:38:54 UTC