Alexander Shubin
Amanda Vizedom
- Call for Tutorials - Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security (STIDS 2015)
- **Deadline Extended** -- Semantic Technology for Intelligence, Defense, and Security (STIDS 2015) -- Call for Papers
Bo Ferri
- Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples
- Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples
- Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples
- Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples
Christian Bizer
Kingsley Idehen
- Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples
- Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples
- Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples
Marc Twagirumukiza
Marco Fossati
- StrepHit - automatic Wikidata references via NLP: call for feedback and support
- [ANNOUNCE] Fact Extraction from Wikipedia Text datasets released
Maria Lemos
- Call for Papers - WorldCIST'15 - Proceedings by Springer
- Call for Papers - WorldCIST'15 - Best papers published by ISI/SCI journals
Martin Hepp
- Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples
- Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples