Re: Semantic Markup at (IT) companies - living examples

Hi Martin,

thanks a lot for the "heads up" ;)

also thanks a lot for the hint with setting up a custom search. I'll  
investigate further search overtime.

re. your given examples:
2 and 3 go somehow in the right direction. However, both are at the  
end very concrete service with a price tag. I was rather looking for  
how to describe rather broad services of a (IT) company, e.g.,  
developing web sites or doing Android app development. Usually, at  
those services you wouldn't put a price tag at your website, but  
simply describe the services themselves (maybe as a responsible person  
at the company, mention some categories + link them to Wikidata  
entities or refer to an intended target audience).

Maybe, I'm also getting the definition of "product or service" at  
schemaorg:service wrong and I need to find another way of how to  
describe. So maybe this use case wasn't really on the roadmap of before (?)



Quoting Martin Hepp <>:

> Hi Bob:
> There is quite some data of this kind out there. The best way to  
> find out is to set up a Google Custom Search Engine and constrain  
> the results to pages that contain schema:Offer, like so:
> Typing in "IT services" returns more than 50,000,000 results, of  
> varying data quality of course:
> Examples:
> Martin
> --------------------------------------------------------
> martin hepp
> e-business & web science research group
> universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen
> e-mail:
> phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
> fax:     +49-(0)89-6004-4620
> www: (group)
> (personal)
> skype:   mfhepp
> twitter: mfhepp
>> On 09 Sep 2015, at 22:55, Bo Ferri <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> so can I assume and conclude that there are no living examples out  
>> there that follow somehow the described scenario from below? Is it  
>> no useful or common use case? Or is just to early*?
>> I think that this might be beneficial for both parties - companies  
>> and customers (and all search engine vendors themselves (they will  
>> get a mercantile directory for free)).
>> I'm a bit disappointed**.
>> Cheers,
>> Bo/T
>> PS: I reviewed a bunch of known companies in the (S)SEO and  
>> semantic technologies space re. utilisiation of Semantic Markup  
>> ( at their own websites - it was a bit embarrassing  
>> sometimes (?!)
>> *) is over 4 years old right now
>> **) also re. tool support/ CMS integration for creating a knowledge  
>> graph (!) with Semantic Markup (, but this is another  
>> thread [1] ;)
>> [1]
>> On 8/29/2015 6:28 PM, Bo Ferri wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> (apologies for cross-posting [1] - but the question is still not really
>>> answered ;) )
>>> Are there any good (living) examples (real websites) available for
>>> semantic markup ( etc.) at (IT) company websites*? - e.g.
>>> Corporation -> Offer -> Product (Service) -> Technology ("company XY
>>> offers YZ services that makes use of ZA technologies (target group AB
>>> benefits from these services/solutions)").
>>> goal: create a knowledge graph (i.e. inter-related (!) knowledge base,
>>> i.e., entities are connected between each other) of a company (that
>>> hopefully helps customers to better find appropriated companies to solve
>>> their problems/challenges)
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks a lot in advance.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bo/T
>>> *)  I was just wondering a bit, since I was looking for an IT company
>>> website as model/blue print and already did some research at various
>>> places and didn't really find one that leverages all available/possible
>>> semantic mark up (, or am I searching just wrong? ;)
>>> [1]

Received on Thursday, 10 September 2015 07:02:11 UTC