[ANNOUNCE] Fact Extraction from Wikipedia Text datasets released

[Begging pardon if you read this multiple times]

The Italian DBpedia chapter, on behalf of the whole DBpedia Association, 
is thrilled to announce the release of new datasets extracted from 
Wikipedia text.

This is the outcome of an outstanding Google Summer of Code 2015 
project, which implements NLP techniques to acquire structured facts 
from a textual corpus.

The approach has been tested on the soccer use case, with the Italian 
Wikipedia as input.

The datasets are publicly available at:

and loaded into the SPARQL endpoint at:

You can check out this article for more details:

If you feel adventurous, you can fork the codebase at:

Get in touch with Marco at fossati@fbk.eu for everything else.

Best regards,
Marco Fossati

Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2015 18:30:12 UTC