from November 2014 by subject

[Call for Objections] Auditability requirement (issue-235)

Agenda for November 12 TPWG call

Agenda for November 19 TPWG call

Agenda for November 4 TPWG call

asynchronous/promise (was Re: TPE last-call issues on my plate, summary)

Confirm API + Issue-262

Consensus language on ISSUE-24, ISSUE-148

Fwd: CVS WWW/2011/tracking-protection/drafts

ISSUE-235 (Auditability requirement for security)

ISSUE-24 (fraud detection and defense)

ISSUE-262: guidance regarding server responses and timing

November Working Draft preparation

RE : ISSUE-262: guidance regarding server responses and timing

TPE last call issues & Issue-262

TPE last-call issues on my plate, summary [3]

TPE last-call issues on my plate, summary [3] (also issue-262)

tracking-ACTION-463: to draft a g response for exchanges

tracking-ACTION-464: Write improved informative text around the synchronous api

tracking-ACTION-465: Respond to issue-260 regarding validating dnt signal

wiki page re: issue-262 (was Re: Agenda for November 19 TPWG call)

Last message date: Friday, 21 November 2014 09:12:44 UTC