Re: WEBINAR: Comparing the Yosemite Project and ONC Roadmaps for Healthcare Information Interoperability
WEBINAR: Comparing the Yosemite Project and ONC Roadmaps for Healthcare Information Interoperability
Time to start writing -- Bioontologies SIG and Phenotype Day at ISMB/ECCB 2015
2nd Call for Papers - Third International Workshop on Definitions in Ontologies (IWOOD 2015)
Apologies for missing the call on HL7/W3C FHIR RDF & Validation/Translation Task Force
[bioportal-announce] ICBO 2015: Call for Early Career Submissions, due April 13th
RDF information content and FHIR RDF requirement #14
- Re: RDF information content and FHIR RDF requirement #14
- RE: RDF information content and FHIR RDF requirement #14
- Re: RDF information content and FHIR RDF requirement #14
- Re: RDF information content and FHIR RDF requirement #14
[CfP] 4th OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE) Workshop (with DL 2015) - 2nd call
InfoSec 2015: registration deadline 3 April
==== *Final* Call for Challenge: 2nd Linked Open Data-enabled Recommender Systems Challenge====
Allergy intolerance to medication example
[CFP, Virtual, Today] Decision Making with Ontologies in IoT 12:30 EST
Two-step JSON-LD possibility for FHIR [was Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback]
CFP FCA4AI Workshop at IJCAI 2015 ``What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence?'' (4th Edition)
2nd CfP: KR4HC’15 / ProHealth’15 (in conjunction with AIME'15)
Deadline extension: #NoISE2015 - Workshop on Negative or Inconclusive rEsults in Semantic Web @ ESWC
JSON-LD possibilities [was Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback]
==== 2nd Call for Challenge: 2nd Linked Open Data-enabled Recommender Systems Challenge====
Recruiting participants for testing new ontology authoring interfaces
Recruiting participants for testing new ontology authoring interfaces
RuleML 2015 - Extended Full Paper Submission in One Week March 18th
[CfP] 4th OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE) Workshop (with DL 2015)
One month to submission deadline -- Bioontologies SIG and Phenotype Day at ISMB/ECCB 2015
Reminder - Business & Economics Academic Conference - Portugal
Call for Papers – Third International Workshop on Definitions in Ontologies (IWOOD 2015)
Available postdoc in Montpellier, France (LIRMM) - Semantic Web (ontology portal) and application to the plant domain
Agenda for Tue Mar 10 HL7 RDF / W3C COI: Mayo data element harmonization (Harold Solbrig)
[LLD] W3C Note Dataset Descriptions telco today 10AM PST / 1PM EST / 6PM CET
Re: [LLD] CANCELLED W3C Note Dataset Descriptions telco today 9AM PST / 12PM EST / 6PM CET
[LLD] W3C Note Dataset Descriptions telco today 9AM PST / 12PM EST / 6PM CET
- Fwd: [LLD] W3C Note Dataset Descriptions telco today 9AM PST / 12PM EST / 6PM CET
- RE: [LLD] W3C Note Dataset Descriptions telco today 9AM PST / 12PM EST / 6PM CET
CFP: 2nd Workshop on Linked Data Qquality at ESWC #LDQ2015
Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- RE: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback
- Re: Proposed RDF FHIR syntax feedback