[bioportal-announce] NCBO Hackathon - March 26-27 at Stanford University
[CFP] 1st CfP: OWL Reasoner Evaluation Workshop (ORE 2012)
An experiment in ontology verbalisation
Beta testing the official uniprot sparql endpoint
Bio-Ontologies SIG 2012 -- Call for participation
Blog entry on: "a serious problem for evidence-based decision making in healthcare, …."
Call for Contribution – ICBO Workshop on Ontology-based Biomedical Data Capture
Call for papers: Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse, DSSD2012, ACL 2012
CFP: Future Internet Symposium 2012: Towards a Smart and Sustainable Future Internet
CfP: Semantic Interoperability in Medical Informatics (SIMI2012) workshop in conjunction with ESWC 2012
Data access and interoperability
Final CfP and extended deadline: Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS 2012)
First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontology Analysis (Jul 16-20, 2012, Trento, Italy)
Fwd: [bioportal-announce] NCBO Hackathon - March 26-27 at Stanford University
Graduate and PDF openings in biological informatics & semantics
- Mark (Wednesday, 8 February)
graduate research opportunity in biomedical informatics
HCLS Call - Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
HCLS conference call
HCLS Health Care forum - postponed
HCLS SciDiscourse call Monday February 20, 2012: Yolanda Gil and Paul Groth will discuss Prov
How is the paper an interface, gateway, to the web of data?
how SHRINE appeased IRBs
how SHRINE appeased IRBs (HIPAA rules)
Hybrid Machine Translation Workshop (TSD 2012) - First Call for Papers
Immunology Event - Salzburg, Austria
is the quality of linked data enough for drug discovery?
Life Sciences Forum
Meeting Record HCLS SciDiscourse call Monday February 20, 2012: Yolanda Gil and Paul Groth discuss Prov
Meeting Record: HCLS Call - Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2012-02-21
NCBO Webinar: Michel Dumontier, Feb. 15 - Formalization of models and simulation results in systems biology
PGx call
Pharmacogenomics meeting
Postdoctoral Opportunity: Phenotype Bioinformatics Applied to Evo-Devo
Research articles as a databases, as a knowledge bases?
Semantic Web and Linked Data uses in Cancer Chemoprevention at DERI
Semantic Web and Ontologies in Scholarly Communication
Semantic Web Journal *Final* CFP: Linked Data for Health Care and the Life Sciences
suggested HCLS organization and next meeting
Systems Biology Task Force Kick-Off - tomorrow (Feb 22) at 11AM EDT
- Helena Deus (Friday, 24 February)
- Michael Miller (Friday, 24 February)
- Oliver Ruebenacker (Friday, 24 February)
- Bob Futrelle (Friday, 24 February)
- Waard, Anita de A (ELS-NYC) (Friday, 24 February)
- Oliver Ruebenacker (Friday, 24 February)
- Bob Futrelle (Friday, 24 February)
- Oliver Ruebenacker (Friday, 24 February)
- Helena Deus (Friday, 24 February)
- Bhat, Talapady N. (Friday, 24 February)
- Waard, Anita de A (ELS-NYC) (Friday, 24 February)
- David Wild (Friday, 24 February)
- Helena Deus (Friday, 24 February)
- Michel Dumontier (Friday, 24 February)
- Oliver Ruebenacker (Friday, 24 February)
- Erich Gombocz (Tuesday, 21 February)
- Helena Deus (Tuesday, 21 February)
Systems Biology Task Force Kick-Off - tomorrow (Feb 22) at 11AM EDT - starting!
The Quality of Linked Data (with an emphasis on drug discovery)
The Second Call for Papers: SWPM2012 @ ESWC2012
TSD 2012 - First Call for Papers
Last message date: Wednesday, 29 February 2012 22:00:41 UTC