Final CfP and extended deadline: Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS 2012)


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                         Call for Papers and Posters

                     Eighth International Conference on
             Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS 2012)

                              June 28-29, 2012
               University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA


               SUBMISSION DEADLINE (EXTENDED): March 1, 2012


Applications of data integration in the life sciences have started to 
provide significant results. For example, the eMERGE Network has 
recently demonstrated that combining phenotype information extracted 
from electronic medical records with genotype information in order to 
study the relationship between genome-wide genetic variation and common 
human traits is a viable and cost-effective alternative to the 
traditional genome-wide association studies (GWAS).

Of course, such studies leverage the foundational work of the past 
decade on biomedical data integration (architectures, data models, 
ontologies, privacy, etc), which had paved the way for life sciences 
infrastructures, such as ELIXIR, the open source Informatics for 
Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) platform, and federated query 
tools, such as the Shared Health Research Information Network (SHRINE).

The increasing availability of "big data", coming from high-throughput 
analytical techniques, large clinical data repositories, the biomedical 
literature and online resources, offers exciting opportunities to 
researchers, but also poses new integration challenges.

DILS 2012 is the 8th in a series on international conferences that aim 
at fostering discussion, exchange, and innovation in research and 
development in the areas of data integration and data management for the 
life sciences. Researchers and professionals from biology, medicine, 
computer science and engineering are invited to share their knowledge 
and experience.

Topics of Interest

DILS provides a forum for the discussion of various aspects of data 
integration in the life sciences, including challenges and technical 
solutions to address them, as well as applications to biomedical 
problems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Architectures and data management techniques for the life sciences
* Query processing and optimization for biological data
* Biological data sharing and update propagation
* Query formulation assistance for scientists
* Modeling of life sciences data
* Biomedical data integration issues in eScience
* Laboratory information management systems in biology (including 
workflow systems)
* Quality assurance in integrated data repositories
* Biomedical metadata management (including provenance)
* Mining integrated life sciences data and text resources
* Standards for biomedical data integration and annotation
* Scientific results arising from innovative data integration solutions
* Exposing biomedical data for integration purposes (APIs, Linked Open 
Data, SPARQL endpoints)
* Creation and use of clinical data repositories
* Data integration in clinical and translational research
* Integration of genotypic and phenotypic data
* Challenges and opportunities with "big data" in the life sciences
* Ethical, legal and social issues with biomedical data integration

Keynote speakers

* Jim Ostell, NCBI, National Library of Medicine, NIH
* Ken Barker, IBM Watson group
* Jim Cimino, Clinical Center, NIH

Submission Guidelines

* Research papers

Authors are invited to submit original contributions of practical 
relevance and technical rigor, experience reports and demonstrations of 
relevance to data integration in the life sciences. DILS 2012 invites 
two types of research papers:

     1. Long papers (up to 16 pages) -- to present results of original 
     2. Short papers (up to 8 pages) -- to present ongoing research

(Papers describing commercial solutions are welcome as long as 
sufficient detail of the problem and its technical solution are provided.)

The proceedings of DILS will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes 
in Bioinformatics. Detailed instructions for preparing the camera-ready 
copy of your paper are available in Springer's LNCS Author and Volume 
Editor Instructions 

Best papers

The authors of the best papers will be recognized at the conference and 
will be eligible for publication in the Journal on Data Semantics 

* Posters and demonstrations

In addition to research papers, DILS welcomes posters and 
demonstrations. A one-page abstract should be submitted. Posters and 
demos will be presented in the poster/demo session at the conference. 
The poster/demo abstracts are not part of the proceedings, but will be 
published on the DILS web site.

Please submit your paper using the DILS 2012 EasyChair site:

Important dates
- Research papers due:   March 1, 2012
- Author notification:   March 26, 2012
- Camera-ready copy due: April 12, 2012
- Poster/demo due:       April 23, 2012
- Conference:            June 28-29, 2012

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2012 16:36:46 UTC