The Quality of Linked Data (with an emphasis on drug discovery)

[Apologies for cross-posting]


Open data is the electricity of the 21st century! [Hausenblas 2010 in]. 


Given its rate of adoption, Linked Data is becoming a commodity and it
may very well become the main source of data in the Web of the Future. 

To measure the "fitness-for-use" of Linked Open Data, and to make sure
you can trust this data and its data sources in your decision making,
app building or daily tasks, we would like to ask you what you consider
to be the most important data quality features of open data on the Web. 


If you are a data consumer, decision maker or are interested in either
health care or life sciences/biological sciences, what would you
consider important data quality attributes to make use of Linked Open


You can answer this survey at


Thank you very much!


Received on Thursday, 16 February 2012 14:42:34 UTC