Alexandra Lacourba
Bill Roberts
Chris Little via GitHub
Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub
François Daoust via GitHub
- Re: [sdw] WebVMT: Suggested Topics For TPAC Breakout Session
- [sdw] WebVMT: use JSON instead of XML for cue content?
George Percivall
- SDWIG / Tech Trends coordination
- SDWIG/Tech Trends telecons, Oct 2nd/3rd
- Re: List of non-web-friendly OGC standards to OAB
- Re: Reminder: Next week focus week September
Joseph Abhayaratna
Linda van den Brink
- RE: Agenda for TPAC f2f
- Agenda for TPAC f2f
- Recap of OGC TC meeting
- List of non-web-friendly OGC standards to OAB
- Retrospective September focus week
- List of non-webby OGC standards ready
- RE: Reminder: Next week focus week September
Linda van den Brink via GitHub
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- Re: [sdw] Create a list of OGC standards that are "not yet Web-friendly enough" plus rationale for each
- [sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink
- Re: [sdw] Group review of roadmap
marqh via GitHub
Maxime Lefrançois via GitHub
Michael J Gordon
Rob Smith
Rob Smith via GitHub
- Closed: [sdw] Representation At OGC Disasters CDS?
- Re: [sdw] WebVMT: Suggested Topics For TPAC Breakout Session
- Re: [sdw] WebVMT: Suggested Topics For TPAC Breakout Session
- Re: [sdw] WebVMT: use JSON instead of XML for cue content?
- Re: [sdw] WebVMT: Suggested Topics For TPAC Breakout Session