Hi all,
I wanted to share a few things with the group about the OGC technical committee meeting last week in Stuttgart.
I presented in the opening plenary about the SDWIG, mainly about how we work, and how we use the strategy funnel to shepherd new ideas towards standardization, but do not create standards within this group. I think this is now clear to the OGC membership, if it wasn't already.
OGC standard WFS is being developed conform the Spatial data on the web best practice, and other OGC web service standards are quickly moving in the same direction. There is now starting to be some coordination between these different standards to harmonize their development.
There was a 1-day summit about OGC SensorThings API and its use. One result of this is that we think it might be worthwhile to have a discussion with the W3C Device and Sensors WG (DAS) to see if there is any overlap between OGC and W3C work. We're going to reach out to this group from the SDWIG.
Rob Smith presented Web VMT in the Defense & Intelligence DWG, was well received and was then invited to present again in the EDM/LEAPS DWG (which concerns itself with Emergency and Disaster Management).
There is a new Statistics domain working group being formed, its charter has been through the public comment phase, and will now be voted on by OGC membership. Their planned key activities are:
1. Discuss and identify primary statistical use cases that would benefit from OGC standards.
2. Identify statistical domain requirements for inclusion in existing or new OGC standards.
3. Identify other practice areas in the OGC that support or could be influenced by statistics.
4. Identify statistics-related use cases and workflows for Interoperability Experiments or Testbeds.
5. Identify work and standards related to other domains that could be adopted by the statistical community
(full charter at https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/79890)
Next OGC meetings (and potential location for one of our next meetings) are:
- December 2018 Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
- February / March 2019 Singapore
- June 2019 Leuven, Belgium
- September 2019 Banff, Canada
- December 2019 Toulouse, France