from July 2006 by subject

[ALL] Homework for July 25 telecon

[Fwd: July 11 minutes again]

[IRF][UCR] Some more modifications to the CSF diagrams

[RIF] [UCR] Document issues / to be considered wiki page

[RIF] Action 63 on mapping Xcerpt/XChange to the condition language

[RIF] Agenda for 1 Aug telecon

[RIF] Agenda for 18 July telecon

[RIF] Agenda for July 25 telecon

[RIF] AGENDA Teleconference 11 July

[RIF] AGENDA Teleconference 4 July

[RIF] Draft minutes 18 July

[RIF] Horn rule semantics based on the condition language

[RIF] Minutes of Teleconference 4 July

[RIF] Propose mapping between WRL & DLV and Harold et al condition language

[RIF][Liaison] OMG PRR revised draft on the wiki

[RIF][RAF] Rules meta-model and a few proposed discriminators for RAF

[RIF][UCR] "Document issues" list

[RIFRAF] Action items on questionnaire addressed

[RIFRAF] Coverage requirements and the current RIFRAF

[RIFRAF] Proposal - new discriminators for RIFRAF

[RIFRAF] questionnaire draft

[UCR] editorial comments on UCR document

Fwd: Minutes from July 11 RIF telecon

Homework for 1 Aug RIF Telecon

my action from July 11 RIF telecon

Task points to analyse condition language of commercial rule engines and contact JSR-94 people

teleconference on 11 July?

ucr wd2 published

Last message date: Monday, 31 July 2006 21:50:47 UTC