from March 2010 by thread

Usecases document ashok malhotra (Tuesday, 30 March)

inserting image into use cases Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 30 March)

Update on Use cases: mapping to OWL DL ontologies Juan Sequeda (Tuesday, 30 March)

RDB2RDF WG Agenda - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Ezzat, Ahmed (Tuesday, 30 March)

The Issue of Translatability (forward from Orri Erling) Ivan Mikhailov (Friday, 26 March)

Minutes of 2010-03-23 meeting Michael Hausenblas (Tuesday, 23 March)

[Fwd: [Fwd: Re: RDB2RDF mapping: Do we really need any alternative to use of SQL queries with conventions and a "trivial" mapping language?]] Souri Das (Tuesday, 23 March)

[Fwd: Re: RDB2RDF mapping: Do we really need any alternative to use of SQL queries with conventions and a "trivial" mapping language?] Souri Das (Tuesday, 23 March)

RDB2RDF WG Agenda - Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Ezzat, Ahmed (Monday, 22 March)

Re: RDB2RDF mapping: Do we really need any alternative to use of SQL queries with conventions and a "trivial" mapping language? Souripriya Das (Monday, 22 March)

two new (simple) use cases added Lee Feigenbaum (Monday, 22 March)

RDB2RDF mapping: Do we really need any alternative to use of SQL queries with conventions and a "trivial" mapping language? Souripriya Das (Monday, 22 March)

Start discussion Juan Sequeda (Monday, 22 March)

Update on RNA usecase Juan Sequeda (Monday, 22 March)

Minutes and action items from March 16 Telcon ashok malhotra (Tuesday, 16 March)

Regrets, and instructions for meeting minute [was Re: RDB2RDF WG Agenda - Tuesday, March 16, 2010] Harry Halpin (Tuesday, 16 March)

RDB2RDF WG Agenda - Tuesday, March 16, 2010 Ezzat, Ahmed (Tuesday, 16 March)

Semantic of the language Juan Sequeda (Sunday, 14 March)

augmented the SQL-based Approach document Souripriya Das (Wednesday, 10 March)

Re: use case summary conversation from telecon Juan Sequeda (Tuesday, 9 March)

2010-03-09 meeting minutes Michael Hausenblas (Tuesday, 9 March)

回复:Re: RDB2RDF WG Agenda - Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Li Ma (Tuesday, 9 March)

RDB2RDF WG Agenda - Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Ezzat, Ahmed (Tuesday, 9 March)

FW: Daylight Saving Time start for 2010 Ezzat, Ahmed (Monday, 8 March)

Requirements: tooling & named graphs Lee Feigenbaum (Monday, 8 March)

Usecase: rCAD: RNA Comparative Analysis Database Juan Sequeda (Monday, 8 March)

Max Expressivity of SPARQL (was... Re: Introductions: Lee Feigenbaum and Ben Szekely) Juan Sequeda (Wednesday, 3 March)

Introductions: Lee Feigenbaum and Ben Szekely Lee Feigenbaum (Wednesday, 3 March)

interop between SQL-views and RDF-views Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 March)

BioPAX/PSI-MI use cases for the RDB2RDF Working Group Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 March)

RDB2RDF WG Agenda - Tuesday, March 2, 2010 Ezzat, Ahmed (Tuesday, 2 March)

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 March 2010 23:28:38 UTC