from February 2006 by subject

[Bug 1547] [FS] editorial: 3.2.1 Processing model

[Bug 1548] [FS] editorial: 3.2.2 Normalization judgment

[Bug 1549] [FS] editorial: 3.2.3 Static typing judgment

[Bug 1550] [FS] editorial: 3.2.4 Dynamic evaluation judgment

[Bug 1551] [FS] editorial: 3.3.1 Kinds of Errors

[Bug 1556] [FS] editorial: 3.3.4 Errors and Optimization

[Bug 1558] [FS] editorial: 3.4.4 Input Sources

[Bug 1561] [FS] editorial: 3.5.3 SequenceType Syntax

[Bug 1562] [FS] editorial: 4 Expressions

[Bug 1564] [FS] editorial: 4.1 Primary Expressions

[Bug 1575] [FS] editorial: 4.1.5 Function Calls

[Bug 1746] [FS] editorial: 7.1.4 The fs:convert-simple-operand function

[Bug 1803] [FS] editorial: E.1.4.1 Simply erases

[Bug 1804] [FS] editorial: E.1.4.2 Erases

[Bug 1805] [FS] editorial: E.1.5 Annotate

[Bug 1806] [FS] editorial: E.1.5.1 Simply annotate

[Bug 1807] [FS] editorial: E.1.5.2 Nil-annotate

[Bug 1808] [FS] editorial: E.1.5.3 Annotate

[Bug 1998] Inconsistency wrt module import new text

[Bug 2297] Desired semantics of FTTimes (formerly Cluster G, Issue 61)

[Bug 2331] FLWORExpr and QuantifiedExpr symmetry.

[Bug 2420] xsl:message treats a colision of select attribute and sequence-constructor in contentare different from other elements

[Bug 2447] XPST0008 and XPST0081 used interchangeably

[Bug 2448] [F&O] Clarification for semantics of upper-case() and lower-case()

[Bug 2459] [Serialization] Phases of Character Expansion

[Bug 2461] [XQuery] Data model conformance

[Bug 2469] [XSLT] Handling of Serialization Errors

[Bug 2474] [SER] Can fully-normalized be implemented?

[Bug 2479] use of curly braces in the grammar of FTWord

[Bug 2480] URI bindings must be part of the static or dynamic context

[Bug 2500] [XPath] Predicate list evaluation

[Bug 2500] Predicate list evaluation

[Bug 2519] Byte-order-mark is compulsory in XML for UTF-16

[Bug 2527] [XPath] default axis for schema-attribute(x)

[Bug 2535] One empty sequence is deep-equal to another, but they are not =

[Bug 2542] fn:id and fn:idref are not affected by ordering mode unordered

[Bug 2546] [XQuery] Type constraints on module import

[Bug 2548] [XQuery] Change namespace binding for anyAtomicType, yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration

[Bug 2610] Is an invalid character reference a parse error?

[Bug 2613] namespace-alias and #default

[Bug 2630] [DM] Default values of elements

[Bug 2631] [XPath] Numeric Promotion

[Bug 2634] [XPath] Comparing QNames

[Bug 2671] Type promotion

[Bug 2681] Functions taking "." as default argument

[Bug 2697] [Ser] xml version not supported by serializer

[Bug 2698] [XSLT] what if $group-number is a negative integer

[Bug 2705] [XSLT] misleading sentence in section 11.1.2

[Bug 2708] Errors and Optimization and Cardinality checks

[Bug 2710] [xqueryx and xquery] extra white space in pragma content

[Bug 2720] [FS] Wrong / operator precedence in PathExpr normalization rule

[Bug 2724] Context position : some inconsistencies about what it is supposed to be.

[Bug 2725] Incorrect example in section 5.2.1

[Bug 2726] [XSLT] Restrictions on [xsl:]type for elements

[Bug 2729] Whitespace text nodes

[Bug 2732] Non-capturing subexpressions

[Bug 2733] Editorial: templates in func-g*-equal()

[Bug 2774] [XSLT] copying of base URI

[Bug 2775] Define score values as xs:double not xs:float

[Bug 2789] Substitutability of duration subtypes

[Bug 2790] Instance of with union type results in surprising results

[Bug 2792] attribute(*, xs:anyType)

[Bug 2793] Editorial: "Unique Particular Attribution"

[Bug 2794] mixing pending update lists with values

[Bug 2795] recovering the XDM consistency after an update

[Bug 2796] updating nodes, then returning values computed from them

[Bug 2797] static semantics for the XQuery update facility

[Bug 2799] Update of collections

[Bug 2803] [FO] Error FONS0003 appears only in the Appendix C, Error Summary

[Bug 2817] [UPD] Unordered Collection of Update Primitives

[Bug 2818] [UPD] Extend the semantics of Ordered and Unordered Expressions

[Bug 2874] unparsed-text and unparsed-text-available not repeatable

[Bug 2892] QName listed twice in state ITEMTYPE

[Bug 2893] void() is used instead of empty-sequence()

[Bug 2916] [XSLT] Which key is the grouping key for the group

[Bug 2917] [XSLT] current-group and current-grouping-key in stylesheet functions - editorial

[Bug 2921] Provide an exemple of a numeric range used as filter epression

[Bug 2944] [FO] 10.5 fn:years-from-duration etc have wrong argument types

[Bug 2945] [XSLT] validated content in a variable

[Bug 2946] [XSLT] remove stability constraint in use-when

[Bug 2949] Please note that 'Modules' and 'Collections and Default Collection' are implemented

[Bug 2950] Modules binding the xml/xmlns prefix is valid

modules binding the xml/xmlns prefix

Requirement: Dynamically add namespaces to new created elements.

Last message date: Tuesday, 28 February 2006 16:25:13 UTC